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I am pleased to report that the murder of Bobby and Judith Cassia has been solved, therefore solving the cold case of the murder of Daniel Tyrel, who died four years prior to this series of unfortunate events, and of Clarissa Newman's. As Holly Cassia called the murderer Hayley Lore, the RoseBlood Killer was caught by the joint effort of our forces, the Tyrel Trust's, and Holly Cassia herself, of which we should all be very proud. Unfortunately, Hayley Lore could not be apprehended due to her sudden, unforeseen suicide on the scene yesterday, and has been confirmed dead due to the fatal shot made by Daniel Tyrel's silencer, which we believe she stole from the Tyrel house and used to kill all of her victims. However, she cannot cause any further suffering now, and this case is officially over, a relief to us all.

Thank you for your continuous hard work and expert opinions and efforts, Tyrels. We appreciate your input in cases such as these, and we will be sure to contact you for any further cases we know will suit your investigation expertise.

Email sent at 09.27, Tuesday, by Joseph Brunsley, head of the Criminal Investigation Department (CID)

Sent to Tyrel Trust - a private investigative agency that traces, identifies and solves felonies issued by the Criminal Investigation Department (CID)

Received and read: Emerson Tyrel

Received and read: Edith Tyrel

Received and read: Elias Tyrel

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