Chapter 2

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Ally's pov

Sitting on the bed looking at my hands, as blood drips down from my head onto them I tear up. Adam got mad at me. I dropped a plate on the ground while I was cooking breakfast and he yelled at me, picked up a broken piece and threw it at my head. He told me to go upstairs. I did and now I'm sitting here because he's know in the  bathroom and we only have one which is connected to our room.

He comes out of the bathroom and kneels in-front of me.

" You know I hate hurting you." He says gently. I look up at him and nod.

" I know, I'm sorry." I say softly. He nods and stands up.

" Well I gotta go to work. Make sure you clean the house and do my laundry before I get home this time. Got it ?" Adam says. I nod again.

" Ya I will promise." I say while biting my lip.

" Good. Love you." He says as he kisses me.

" Love you too." I whisper and kiss him back. He smiles and leaves. I miss working. I used to work at a bookstore, but Adam made me quit. He says I'm not supposed to work. I'm supposed to stay home to clean and cook. I look at my phone and grab it and tap on Tony's number. 5 seconds later it goes straight to voicemail.

" Hey, this is Tony Dinozzo please leave a message and I'll call you back soon. " the voicemail does it's thing and beeps.

" H-hey's um Ally. I miss you. I-I um please call me back? Please." I say softly and end the call. I stare at the phone. The tears keep falling. He never answers me. Ever since I turned 18 he has never picked up the phone when I have called him. I guess he is just busy. I put my phone down and went into the bathroom to clean my cut but as I look in the mirror. I have a bruise around my eye. The cut on the cheek from the plate. My neck has bruising around. I look down at my arms and they also have bruising around both wrist. I choke back a sob and start to clean my cheek.

Maybe Adam is right. Nobody loves me but him. I mean dad only calls me on my birthday otherwise he doesn't talk to me. My mom is dead. I have no friends. Except the guy friends he has and invites them over. I never get hurt when they come over he doesn't doesn't hurt me 2 weeks before they come over. And most of all Tony. He never calls me, answer my phone calls, nor does he text me.

I grab a basket and start to collect his dirty laundry. I start a load of laundry. As the washer is going I start to clean the house making sure there isn't even a speck of dust laying around

After 6-7 hours I got the whole house cleaned. I got he laundry done. Folded and put away. Along with mine. I sit by the window and look outside.He doesn't even let me leave the house. He does let me go outside in the backyard but other than that I'm not supposed to leave. He does the grocery shopping. And of course he has a job. Right now he has training for the military.

* flashback 2 years ago*

Adam and I have known each other for about a year now and he's the sweetest guy alive. He buys me flowers all the time. No matter how hard I try to pay for anything he tells me I should be treated like a Queen. I always blush when he says this.

Right now we are at a fancy restaurant. It's a Italian restaurant. He got me flowers.

" Ally." Adam says. I smile and look at him.

" Yes Adam." I ask.

" Would you like to be my girlfriend? " he asks me. My mouth drops open.

" Ya that'll be really nice Adam, your such a sweet guy." I say smiling. He grins.

* flashback over*

He was still sweet for the next few months when we started dating. Then all of a sudden he changed. He became possessive and angry. He stopped treating me like a queen like when we were just friends. He no longer let me work. He stopping getting me flowers, except on our anniversary. He no longer let me go outside that isn't our backyard. I should've saw the signs sooner but I love him. I know I shouldn't. I know I need to leave but I can't. I don't have a lot of money, nor do I have a place to go. I'm alone but he's here and he loves me. Right?

A/N: Please comment and vote!! Let me know what y'all think!!! This is the longest chapter I ever wrote before!!! Hope you enjoy!!!

Word count: 835

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