Chapter 4

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I started cooking around 4:30. I know his friends are coming over but I don't want to risk getting hurt more. As the steaks are in the oven and the potatoes are cooking I put on makeup to cover the horrible bruises up. I can't let them know otherwise Adam would kill me. The bruises on my face and neck are going to be hard to cover but Adam makes sure I have plenty of makeup to cover the bruises.

I go back downstairs after I hear the timer and finish cooking dinner and I set the table while keeping the food in the oven to stay warm. I finished with the table and make sure the dishes are washed while making sure the house is clean.


At exactly 6 the door opens and I hear the guys come in Conner, Johnny and Elliot have been friends with Adam since he started in the military. Connor and Elliot are pretty nice but Johnny seems like he'll follow Adam everywhere and beyond. Johnny follows him everywhere I've heard and seen at my house.

( Not related or anything towards The Outsiders lmao I just couldn't think of a name. Forgot to put that in the character list.)

I then smile slightly as Connor and Elliot came over and hugged me.

" Hey Ally what you up too?" Elliot asks me. I smile up at him since they're all so tall.

" Nothing much, I just cooked steaks,
potatoes and corn for you guys." I smile.

" Ah, that's our favorite." Connor says.

" Ya, it was all her idea you know how she is." Adam says. I bite my lip.

" That's great Ally thanks for dinner." Johnny says.

" You're welcome Johnny. There's also tea,water and soda set out for you guys. I'm just going to go run to the bathroom really fast." I say as I let go of Elliot and run up stairs.

I go into the bathroom and tear up while biting my lip so I don't make any noise. Then the door opens.

" Babe, come on you can't be acting like this when they are here. Ok?" Adam says. I nod and he turns me around.

" Good you covered everything up, let's go downstairs." Adam says. I nod and follow him out the bathroom door and see Johnny standing their. I freeze.

" Oh, he knows. He's the one who gave me the tips on how to keep you in check." Adam says. I slightly flinch as it goes unnoticed.

A/N: please comment and let me know how this chapter is!! Sorry it's shorter than what I was planning on doing

Words: 443

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