Unlocked Chapter 8

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( Third person )

Everyone had been in the living room having their own conversations Vance and Robin, Billy and Griffin and lastly Bruce and Finney.

( Finneys POV )

"Soooooooooo" Bruce finally said. "What?" I ask looking up at Bruce. "Do you um...like Donna" I look at Bruce and turn a bright red. When Bruce said this I swear that everyone looked at me and Bruce, and Robin who looked like he wanted to murder someone. I just smirked annoyed and playfully nudged him. "WHY DID YOU SAY THAT" I whisper yelled to Bruce. He just shrugged his shoulders.

"I mean ideally you guys would make a decent couple, I heard she was going to the party we're all going to." Bruce smiles. "WHAT, we're going to a party!?!" Griffin practically yelled. "Yes, we talked about  while going back to Robin's house. You guys were just too busy to even answer us and stop evasdropping in on our conversation!" Bruce said.

I just looked at Billy to see him a little red when Bruce said "busy" while Griffin looked gobsmacked that we planned this without them.

I just turned back to Bruce. "I mean don't get me wrong Donna is super sweet, I just don't know her that well yet to just ask her out like that" I say looking at Bruce. Bruce just nods understanding what I mean. I just nod back and before I know it me and Bruce are talking about the dumbest thing ever. By meaning we were talking about, if you were taking a drivers license test and you were bald what would they put down for your hair color.

Me and Bruce really couldn't contain our laughter so before we could even think we just started dying of laughter. I did get a stare from Robin though because I saw his eyes roaming on my face a little confused because of my current motives. 

"Okay, since we're going to a party I'm going to freshen up" Griffin says standing up going to the bathroom. I just checked my phone only to see we had to leave in like only a couple of minutes. Billy gets up to follow Griffin while Bruce gives Vance a knowing look, and they just go outside in the front. Which left me with Robin... I just kind of gave him a glance.

Robin just walked over to me and plopped himself down on the couch right next to me.

Robin finally speaks breaking the awkward tension. "So, do you like Donna" Robin says looking at me. He didn't fully look happy about asking this question but still remained calm and still. "Uh I mean she seems nice, I just can't really come out one day and ask her out you know... I don't have that strong of a relationship with her yet..."

( Robin's POV )

" I mean, I think I have a better relationship with you than her though" Finney said looking up at me. I just kind of smiled at him but didn't show him that I wanted to just be his boyfriend right here and now. I just remained silent, so I finally brought it up.

"Are you going on the junior trip to Jersey Shore?" I ask looking at Finney. He just smiles and nods his head. "Yeah, I heard they're doing the rooms soon, hopefully I'll get a room with Bruce, or someone I at least know." Finney says chuckling.

"Yeah, I think that all the rooms are going to have like 3 queen beds" I say making eye contact with Finney. I found this lightly weird considering I most of the time am kind of either protecting Finney or making remarkable comments about me and Finney.

"So are you saying that all of us are going to have to share a room together?" Finney asks  breaking eye contact with me and looking down at his shoes.

"I mean yeah, everyone wants to... Just don't tell Griffin, we don't fully want him to share a room with us because of his skin care things" I say looking up at the ceiling. 

( Finney's POV )

After I shared that conversation with Robin I felt like I for some reason unlocked a new feeling. And it wasn't a bad feeling, it was the fact that I really never had this feeling towards anyone especially a  boy... It was like a video game, I just unlocked a new level of feelings towards Robin.

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