Chapter 8: The Proposal

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After making sure that Quinn was settled in, Hopper returned to the hospital. The kids and the teens were already there, along with the addition of Steve Harrington. He took advantage of the fact that none of the parents were around for the time being.

"Alright, we need to set a few ground rules. You're probably all going to be contacted in the next few days," Hopper started.

"Contacted by who?" Harrington interrupted, looking confused. Hopper narrowed his eyes at him.

"A government agency, the military, I don't know yet. If someone approaches you asking questions about Will's reappearance, monsters, strange portals, numbers," Hopper listed. "—numbers?" Steve interrupted a second time. Hopper sighed impatiently, narrowing his eyes at the oblivious boy again.

"Individuals with superpowers. You say nothing. You know nothing. This is for everyone involved's safety. You do not speak of any of this over the phone, try not to speak about any of this at all, frankly," Hopper continued. Both Wheelers looked particularly upset about this idea, but secrecy was a necessity.

"Is that clear?" Hopper asked sternly, looking around at the group. Harrington nodded eagerly; he was clearly the least in the loop. Lucas and Dustin looked at each other and nodded as well. The Wheelers still looked put off by this need for secrecy but eventually both nodded too.

"Great. Now if you'll excuse me," Hopper said, standing from his seat and making his way to the door of the waiting room. He walked down the hall, stopping in front of the door he was informed the Byers' were occupying. He tucked his hat under his arm and knocked before letting himself in. Will was still unconscious, the breathing tube on his face reminding Hopper of his lost daughter. He pulled himself together, glancing at Joyce and Jonathon who were sitting patiently by the side of the hospital bed.

"Hey Hop," Joyce greeted quietly as she stood up and walked around the bed to stand next to him.

"What did the doctors say?" He asked.

"Um, they did some scans and some blood work. They want to keep him for observation, but they've assured me that he's going to come out of this fine," Joyce said in a reserved tone.

"Is he expected to wake up today?" Hopper asked. While she looked absolutely exhausted, he remarked that she'd had the time to change into clean clothes and freshen up.

"Maybe this afternoon, probably more like tonight. I know the kids are all here already," Joyce replied.

"Yeah, I talked to them. Hey, do you think you could have Jonathon stay with Will while you come with me to fill out the paperwork," Hopper emphasised paperwork hoping that Joyce would understand what they needed to talk about. She looked up at him clearly baffled. "But we filled out so much last night?" She questioned. He ran a hand over his face.

"Yes we did, but there's just five more forms to take care of, and then this'll be case closed," he said slowly, hoping she'd catch on. She did, exclaiming an "oh!"

"Is this about...," Jonathon trailed off, looking back and forth at the two adults.

"Yes it is," Hopper stated, assuming that Joyce had informed her older son that they'd retrieved more than Will last night.

"What's going to happen to her?" Jonathon questioned.

"That's what we're going to try to work out, baby," Joyce replied, trying to reassure him.

"You're not going to send her away, are you?" Jonathon asked, surprising both adults.

"Well, I don't really know what our options are," she said honestly, looking up at Hopper for help.

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