Chapter 25: The Upset

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Used to seeing her friend with a mostly serious expression, Chrissy was beyond surprised to see Quinn return from her break with a gorgeous smile lighting up her whole face.

"Tell me everything," Chrissy pleaded as Quinn diligently started on the row of orders that was waiting for her on the counter by the side of the espresso machine.

"Absolutely not," Quinn declined, knowing precisely what Chrissy wanted to hear about.

"You are blushing," Chrissy pointed out, trying to hold back a giggle when she caught the alleged cause of that blush walk by the store front with a certain pep in his step.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Quinn huffed, only to catch her reflection in the chrome of the coffee machine. Bewildered by the sight of the redness on her cheeks, she turned to clean the steamer jugs in the sink.

"Oh please, I'm your girlfriend," Chrissy whined, sidling up to her colleague.

"So?" Quinn questioned, not really understanding the point of the emphasis.

"We're supposed to tell each other everything," Chrissy explained.

"You don't tell me what's between you and Jason," Quinn pointed out with a shrug as she turned back to the coffee machine.

"That's because you can't stand him," Chrissy reminded her. Billy loathed the guy, Quinn simply ignored him, but since the two acted as a pair, Quinn understood why Chrissy could assume that she also held a certain disdain for the guy.

"That fact aside, it's none of my business," Quinn replied simply.

"Come on, what even was that earlier?" Chrissy nagged.

"Honestly, I'm not sure...," Quinn admitted before she could stop herself. She felt the blush that had only just dissipated come back with a vengeance, creeping all the way down to her neck. She tugged at the collar of her shirt, her necktie suddenly feeling a little too tight.

"It was so hot," Chrissy sighed thinking back to it. Just then, the lights overhead started going in and out leaving Quinn absolutely mortified. Shit, is that me? Blushing was one thing, losing control at the mere mention of that exchange earlier was a completely different matter.

"Chrissy!" Fred exclaimed, startling both girls as the power stabilised. "Do not encourage this," he scolded, giving Chrissy an absolutely scandalised look before turning to Quinn. "Surely you've lived here long enough to know that Eddie Munson is a pariah in Hawkins."

Quinn ignored him. She tried to put this entire matter aside, instead concentrating on cleaning the sides of the coffee machine and focusing on controlling her energy. She thought things were going so well, she hardly even had to think about tamping herself down anymore so as not to affect the lights and electronics around her. Apparently not, she lamented.

"Mind your business, Fred, you're late for your break anyway," Chrissy waved him off seeing the way that Quinn closed in on herself, trying to hide behind the upkeep of the coffee machine that was already immaculate.

"Are you gonna tell Billy about this?" Chrissy pressed, still hoping to get a juicy little detail.

"What? No, it's none of his business either," Quinn said quickly.

"When are you seeing him next?" Chrissy asked excitedly.

"You know I go running and swimming with Billy every morning," Quinn replied curtly, trying to dodge the question.

"You know I meant when are you seeing Eddie next...," Chrissy chanced, giving her friend a light shove. She didn't get a precise answer but the tiny, little smile that Quinn failed to hide was enough confirmation that she did indeed already have plans to see Eddie again.

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