Chapter 20: A Friend

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The Camaro came roaring down the road about 15 minutes later.

This was not how Billy expected his Saturday night to go, but that phone call was so interesting, he couldn't help but just go along with it. Quinn hadn't beaten around the bush with him, at all. She hadn't asked for a ride, she stated that she needed the car, for the specific purpose of going to fuck shit up. It took everything in him to hide the genuine shock such a demand incited. It wasn't sex, but it sounded like a Hell of a time. He honked to announce his arrival in front of the house before stepping out and leaning against the side of the car to smoke a cigarette.

"Harrington? Is that you?" Billy asked, squinting at the sight of someone stepping out onto the porch.

"Yeah, it's me, don't cream your pants," Steve grumbled as he carried two gas canisters out. The kids had busied themselves collecting sunglasses and goggles, bandanas, rags, an assortment of blunt weapons, and whatever flammable fluids they could find laying around the house. He had spent his time desperately trying to talk Quinn out of doing this.

"Okay, so we have a ride, but we can't fit seven people into a Camaro," Steve started, hoping that would be enough to dissuade her.

"We can split up between Billy's car and Bob's car which is just sitting there," Quinn reminded him.

"We don't have the keys to Bob's car," Steve retorted.

"Open the back door on the passenger side, there's a set of keys in the seat pocket," she replied.

"You know what? Hopper didn't tell you the truth," Steve went for it, but momentarily regretted it when he caught the look of betrayal that crossed her face before she schooled her expression into a neutral one.

"Would you care to elaborate?" Quinn questioned.

"He told me that he wanted you to stay back because before they put Will under again, he said 'She upset him, she shouldn't have done that'," Steve rattled out quickly.

"Oh, I'll give 'him' something to be upset about," Quinn said, a smirk similar to the one she had back at the junkyard taking over her face. Steve understood why Hopper had decided against telling her.

Quinn followed Steve out carrying the bat with the nails and an assortment of other blunt objects. The younger kids apprehensively trailed out after her.

"You got a rabid dog problem or something?" Billy asked, pointing to the demo-dog carcasses that were strewn about the driveway.

"Something like that. Call it an invasive species," Quinn replied.

"So...what are we doing exactly?" Billy asked, eyeing the things Steve and Quinn brought around to the trunk of the Camaro.

"We're going to blow off a little steam," Quinn echoed what he'd said to her at the Halloween party.

"Blow shit up you mean?" Billy said, lifting a brow at the sight of what they'd put into the trunk.

"Who pissed you off this time?" He asked, unable to stop the smirk on his face that matched hers.

"It's a bit too complicated to explain, you'll see when we get there," she replied closing the trunk herself. She made her way around the Camaro and went over to Bob's car, opening the back door and pulling out the extra set of keys she knew was hidden there.

"And where is that exactly?" Billy asked. Mike and Dustin spread out the map on the hood of the Camaro and nervously started explaining their calculations to him.

"Do you know where this is?" He asked Quinn, cutting the boys off a quarter way into their explanation.

"I have a vague idea, yeah," she replied. Without warning, he tossed the keys over the hood to her, which she caught smoothly with one hand.

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