A child

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(Mama+trans ftm sapnap au,childinnit)

-Sapnap pov-

I was just walking back home after getting supplies when I heard a baby cry,which was odd due to the fact I was in the forest at night. I saw a box under a tree and decided to move towards it,the crying getting louder and louder the closet I got. When I looked inside,there was a baby,blonde hair and blue eyes, I picked up the child,the crying going silent. 'who would leave a child out here like this?..' I thought to myself. I walked straight home to tend to the baby,not wanting to leave it alone. When I got home,the baby was already asleep,holding onto my shirt. I went to my room and set the infant on my bed between two pillows to make sure they were safe. I quickly changed into a sweater and shorts and sat on my bed and picked up the child,holding them close to my chest. After a few hours of bonding with the child I heard a knock at my door and went to go get it,to my surprise it was quackity "oh hey quackity,what brings you here?" I asked hiding the child behind my back "well I was wondering if we could hangout today-" the baby then started to cry and I had to hold him Infront of quackity "shh it's okay" I said softly,the child calming down "did you find him or did you give birth to him?" Quackity asked,he was one of the few people who knew I was trans and that I just wear a binder "I found him in a box by himself,the parents abandoned him without even leaving a note" I said looking at the infant "who could do such a thing to a baby" quackity said as he let the infant grab his finger,I smiled "seems like tommy likes you" "Tommy?" Quackity asked "I'm gonna keep him,so I thought tommy would be a good name" I said looking at quackity then back at the infant.

-quackity pov-

I looked at the two and smiled "well seems like you're already doing a great job sapnap" he looks at me with a smile "thank you quackity,also we can hangout as long as tommy can come along" I nodded as a response "you can go get ready,I'll watch tommy for you" I said and he the handed me the baby and went to his room to get ready, I sat down and played with tommy. Sapnap walked out in black jeans and a white dress shirt,I could feel my face heat up a bit "you look great" I said,earning a smile from the blaze "thank you q" he said as I handed him tommy back "he is so curious,he tried to eat one of my feathers" I giggled "well kids do like bright colors alot so he probably liked the color" sapnap said,kissing the child's forehead.


(No one pov)

They went to the main area for the dsmp,a few people looking at the three "people sure do stare a lot" sapnap said,quackity nodding in agreement "maybe they're jealous they don't have a cute kid like you". Tommy was playing with sapnap's hair,he wasn't minding the other people "seems like someone doesn't know he is already popular" sapnap said,giggling at tommy,who looked at sapnap blabbing and giggling happily "he seems like he just cares about me and you being here" quackity said as they went inside a cafe with a play area for infants and toddlers. Tommy sat there and crawled over to a brunette infant,they started playing together "seems tommy has a friend now" sapnap says as he and quackity sit down at a nearby table "yea,he is happy" quackity said,he was looking at sapnap after seeing tommy with his new friend "anyway,me and Karl were wondering if you wanted to go out some time" sapnap looked at quackity "oh sure,but I might have to bring tommy,since no one else knows about him and since there is the whole war going on" sapnap said,he was already protective of the infant and it was for a good reason cause of the wars "I understand,I would feel the same if I had a kid,but I'll talk to Karl and see if it's okay with him okay?" "Okay". It was time for them to go home and tommy had fallen asleep as they left "little sleepyhead.." sapnap kisses his forehead as they went home,quackity watched from afar to make sure they were safe. Sapnap and tommy went straight to sleep when they got home and laid down on the bed.

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