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(sapnap angst,trans ftm sapnap)

Warning:self harm,mention of ED and anxiety

-sapnap pov-

I thought they wouldn't fight... I thought nothing would happen,I just wanted us to be happy, especially since I'm pregnant with their kid.. I guess I was wrong,so now I'm at my old house in El rapids,I ran there,I don't know why but it felt right to go there. I'm in the bathroom and I'm looking at myself into the mirror,disgusted,I look nothing like a real man. My hair goes down to my waist,my figure is slim and a bit chubby than most men. "Why can't I look like them.." I say to myself,I then grabbed a small blade and rolled my sleeves up,the voices acting up 'its your fault' 'you are a woman and always will be' 'they never loved you' the voices said and I started to cut,I didn't stop till I heard a voice I didn't expected to hear "Mama?.." I turned to look at my son,tommy,he had brownish blondish hair and blue eyes, he was my first child "sweetie, you're supposed to be in bed,did you have a nightmare?.." I walked to him after pulling down my sleeves,he nodded and I picked him up. I sat down on my bed,tommy already asleep next to me,I think to myself for a moment before I lay down and go to sleep.

(Time skip to nine months)

-quackity pov-

It's been a few months since sapnap ran away,god I was an idiot to argue in front of him,and he seemed like he had a reason to have us meet up again. Me and Karl figured things out,so now I know about his time travel and memory lost,we just have to find sapnap "El rapids,never thought I'd come here again" I said,Karl next to me "he has to be here" Karl spoke. We then walked in and saw tommy "tommy,what are you?-" he ran off before Karl could finish. We ran after him to sapnap's old house,seeing the lights on 'he is here!' I thought to myself. Sapnap then came out and tommy hugged him,he looked at us "what are you doing here,and together?.." he seemed to be confused and in disbelief "we figured things out,we are sorry for arguing Infront of you,we shouldn't have done that.." Karl said, sapnap had invited us inside and we noticed a few baby things "so everything between you two is better now?" Sapnap asked. I nodded as a response,Karl smiling and hugging sapnap "what's with all the baby stuff sapnap?" I asked. He was about to answer when there were two infants crying all of a sudden "there is your answer" sapnap said,he got up and motioned for me and Karl to follow him. When we got to a room,it was a nursery,we noticed two babies in a crib,one was brunette and the other one had brownish blackish hair,both with one brown eye and one blue eye, mine and Karl's eyes widened "they look like me and Karl.." I said, sapnap looked at me and karl with a nervous look "that's because they are yours and Karl's kids.." he looked back at the babies,while me and Karl processed the fact they were our kids 'this must have been the main reason he wanted me to come to kinoko kingdom,he was expecting mine and Karl's kids..' Karl picked up the brunette and I picked up the other one "the one Karl has is tubbo,you have max,quackity" sapnap said as he picked up tommy. I looked at sapnap and noticed his body was more skinny "sapnap,did you're ED pick up again?!.." I asked him, very concerned, I still love him like Karl does too "yes..it did.." me and Karl look at him in concern,our hearts shattered hearing this "sapnap.."

(Cliff hanger cause I ran out of ideas,but I will continue this for sure,I just need an idea for part two,please tell me some ideas you readers may have)

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