Chapter 19

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It is currently October 27th, 1984. My friends have been telling me about there being some new kid showing up Monday. From what some of my girls have told me, his name is Billy Hargrove. Hopefully he's someone interesting, he's from California, which is already something. But I'm not gonna use my Saturday night worrying about some boy. Because it's a Saturday, I'm gonna go hang out with Steve for a while. We are gonna meet up at the quarry, as per usual. I pull my The Police band oversized tee over my head, I love that band. I pull on some flared jeans, and a nice jacket. My combat boots, and I'm on my way. I grab my keys off the counter and walk outta my bathroom. Finally, I have something to do. I love Saturdays for this reason. Right before I walk out the door. Someone stops me.

"Y/n." I hear my mom call out. I turn to face her. "I assume you're going to hang out with Steve?" 

"Yep, just like I always do?" I say. 

"Okay, just be safe. And get back before 1." She says. 

"Don't worry I will. And sounds good!" I say. 

I turn around and head out the door, closing the door closely behind me. I walk down the path that connects to our driveway. I pull my hands to my hair as I walk towards my truck and move it around to try and fix it. I put my hair behind my ears. I watch my feet as I walk, trying to get them in a certain sync, left, right, left, right, left, right. I reach my truck and pull the door open, pulling myself into it. I pull the keys out of my pocket and start it, the cool air hitting me. I put it into reverse and back out of there, watching the rearview mirrors. I start down the road. So since last year not much has really happened, I'm a senior now. Crazy right? The year of lasts, the last dance, the last first day, the last prom, the last shitty school year. And honestly, I am so excited to get out of here. Its still kind of heartbreaking though, that I'm going to lose everyone this year, since everyone I know is going to college, well except Steve. 


As I arrive at the quarry, I notice Steve's car parked at the edge of the cliff. The scenery is breathtaking. I park my truck nearby and hop out, I make my way towards Steve's vehicle. As I approach, I see him leaning against the side of his car, looking out at the view. He must've noticed me, because he turns and looks at me. 

 "Hey." He says, walking over and giving me a quick hug. 

Neither of us say anything, just kinda look over at the beautiful view Infront of us.  The breeze carries the sound of waves crashing against the cliffs. Steve clears his throat. 

"This is the perfect spot to watch the sunset."  He says. 

"It is. Nature is absolutely incredible." I say. 

"Wanna go on an adventure?" He asks, out of the blue.

"Sure?" I say, laughing a little. 

We both take one last look at the sun setting before running off into the woods. He grabs my hand and begins running towards the woods. I, of course, follow behind him. We ran for the woods, not worrying about what we are leaving behind at the edge of the cliff. Just running through the woods like there's no tomorrow. The crunchy leaves below our feet crunching, the soft breeze hitting us. It's amazing. We run uphill, trying to get to the top, although I'm slowing down some due to running up hill. We reach the top of it, all the tree stopped growing in one little spot, and that one little spot is enough for us to look over Hawkins. Whole town can be seen from here. Steve and I stood on top of the hill overlooking the town of Hawkins. It was a beautiful day, and the sun was setting over the horizon. Steve's been talking about going on a adventure for a little while now, and finally we've done so. 

Steve has been a good friend to me over the past few weeks. We went through a lot last year,  fighting monsters and saving the world. You know, just the average teenage experience. I really appreciate having someone to talk to and share our experiences with. Plus, Steve is a good listener, and he always seemed to know just what to say to cheer me up.

As we stood there, watching the sun set, I couldn't help but feel grateful for all the adventures we've had been on. We've had seen and done things that most people only read about in books or saw in movies. It was hard to believe that it was all real.

Recently, I haven't been able to shake the feeling that there was more to this world than what we've seen so far. I mean if all of what happened last year just went down in Hawkins what else could be going on in other places that we don't know about? I know there are more monsters out there, more evil forces trying to destroy the world. And we were gonna stop them no matter what. I feel a slight tickle on my neck, I spring my hand to the spot. I just now realize Steve and I are still holding hands. I quickly let go. We stand there and watch the Sun.

The Perfect child. Steve Harrington x reader/ Billy Hargrove X readerWhere stories live. Discover now