With Virgo

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After Adora let us leave, I run off to get food, a list in my hand. Once I get to the grocery area, I look at my list and grab everything.

"Butter? Check. Eggs? Check."

I go through my entire list saying check as I cross off what I have. Once I'm done, I check the time and notice I still have an hour left until I have to get back to the bus. I decide to look at clothes till then. I dash over to the women's section because fuck Gendered clothing, I wear whatever the fuck I want.

"Oh, this looks pretty!" I say with a smile, looking at a dress that reminds me of Adora, deciding to get it for her as a gift, and thinking about what to get the others.

Suddenly, I feel a tap on my shoulder, and I hear a woman's voice say, "Excuse me, ma'am, I want to buy this dress, and you're in my way."

"Apologies, miss, but I'm actually not a woman," I answer, stepping out of her way.

The woman glares at me, looking pissed.

"Sir, you shouldn't be in the women's section!" the lady screams shrilly.

"Ma'am, this is a free country, I can wear what I want," I answer calmly, "this dress isn't my style anyways. I'm getting it for a close friend of mine as a gift."

"YOU SHOULD BE WEARING MEN'S CLOTHES!" the woman shrieked.

'Fucking shit, this woman is a fucking Karen,' I think to myself.

"Ma'am, respectfully, please shut up," I say.


"Ma'am, I can't respect someone without being treated with respect first," I inform her.

"WHERE IS YOUR MANAGER?!" the Karen screams.

"I don't work here," I answer.

The Karen continues to scream at me, but I grab one of the dresses and walk away to grab stuff for the others. A few minutes later, I have a stuffed doll for Sage, a hand mirror for Scorpio, a crystal growing kit for Pisces, an art kit for Gemini, an embroidery set for Tessa, a necklace for Leo, a purse for Libra, headphones for Cancer, a notebook for Aries, and the entire series Harry Potter books for Capricorn. I walk to the checkout to buy everything when I hear screeching from behind me. It was the Karen.

"I WASN'T DONE TALKING TO YOU!" the Karen screams at me.

"And I was done listening to you," I answer.

That completely pisses the Karen off, and she starts screaming at me more, as she complains about how disrespectful I am and that I need to respect my elders. But what she says next is what pisses me the fuck off.

"I bet all of your little friends are such horrible examples for you," the Karen mutters.

"I'm sorry, what did you just say about my friends?" I question.

"That they're probably worse than you are," the Karen answers.

"You can insult me all you want, but DON'T bring my fucking friends into shit they don't belong in," I say, sternly.

The Karen slaps me on the face and scolds me for cussing. Unable to keep my cool any longer, I punch the Karen in the stomach and pay for my groceries in the checkout line and take my groceries and everyone's gifts out to the bus, arriving about 20 minutes early. I put the food that needs to be kept cold or frozen in a cooler and wait outside for everyone else to arrive.


A/N: Sorry this took so long to publish! Wattpad erased most of this chapter on me(although it let me restore it) and I had science state testing the last couple of days so this hasn't been on my mind!

Ly all/p and have a great day/night!

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