Chapter 22

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It was oddly chilly as I felt my body and my mind begin to drift out of the whole sleep thing. I couldn't figure out why my entire body felt so cold and empty and why my heart was pounding so hard within my chest, but the mixture of all of those different feelings pulled me out of my sleep alot faster than I would have liked.

Cracking my eyes open with a low groan, I blink a few times, allowing time for the blurry world around me to focus and when it does, I notice that Enzo was no longer in front of me.

Looking down as I lift the blanket, Titus' arm was no longer around my waist either, so I slowly sit up in the bed and search the crazy large room.

Finding it empty, I frown because their scents were still just as strong as they were when we went to bed.

Climbing out of the bed, I go to approach the bedroom door that was still closed before I hear hushed voices coming from behind me.

Turning around, I see the bathroom door was completely shut which was weird because Enzo and Titus argued for hours about Titus wanting it open and Enzo wanting it closed — Titus gave in because he was tired and said if the door stayed open, then he wasn't getting out of the bed the whole night.

So to see it closed was a little weird seeing how it should have been open. Tip toeing towards it, I press my ear up to the door and my ears perk up when I hear both of them inside.

"This is a fucking problem, Enzo," I hear Titus whisper harshly. "Should I be worried about this?"

"No, Titus," Enzo defends, his words just as harshly whispered. "I'm sorry, I got carried away."

"Carried away?" Titus practically screams in a whispered tone. "Enzo I had to pray to Goddess to give me the strength to control Gemini, he almost ripped your throat out. I don't have the best hold on him so for you to do shit like that, it's dangerous as fuck!"

"I know," Enzo sighs.

Then Titus growls. "Do you? Do you really Enzo because you were nuzzling Mell in your sleep!"

I gasp a little, realizing they were talking about me. I didn't even know Enzo had nuzzled me, but why would that be a problem? I didn't get it. . . Aren't wolves super affectionate towards each other? That seems normal to me.

"I know, Titus," I hear Enzo sigh. "And I'm sorry."

"If you were anyone else, I would have just handed you to Gemini," Titus growls quietly, I could almost see the way his muscles were tensing with his words. "Why the fuck were you even doing that shit in the first place?"

"It's his scent," Enzo sighs again.

"His scent?" Titus echoes.

"Yes," Enzo replies. "He smells so much like you, Titus, I'm sorry but his scent affects me just as much as yours does, it calms me just as much as my scent calms you, I can't help this shit, it's just. . . It's just. . . fuck I don't know but asking me not to do that is like asking you not to nuzzle me."

Titus nuzzles Enzo?

There was a silence between them after that, but it didn't feel like a awkward silence more like a silence of understanding.

Then I heard Titus clear his throat. "I understand that, Enzo, I really do,"

I knew it.

"I can't explain the way that your scent affects me, Enzo, the way my body reacts to yours, it's so fucking different and it infuriates me because I don't fucking know why," Titus growls again, this time not very quietly as I hear more shuffling inside. "I love you like my brother, like my bestfriend but your scent calms me and drives me just as fucking crazy as Mell's does and I don't understand any of it."

Claimed by The Moon (previously titled Alpha Titus)Where stories live. Discover now