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So I made some tanqrcraft fanart..... Yeh

This is a joke lol

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This is a joke lol

Backstory (if u don't know what's happening) : GeminiGalatic said that the "hunky men x twink" stereotype looks like fanon tanqrcraft.
Scott (a friend of hers) eventually made a tweet where he tells others to draw tanqrcraft shittily where kreek's the hunk (hunkcraft) and Tanqr's the twink (twinqr) (basically reverse tanqrcraft lol). And I decided to contribute to this thing and I drew this like 9 to 10 pm idk.


I just wanted to haunt y'all with this thing lol

No updates cause school 🔥🔥🔥🔥💥💥💥💥💥💥

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