The Sixth Circle: Heresy, Azazel

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Dun Dun Duh Duh!

Dun Dun Dun Duh Duh!

...not sure if that's how you spell it but oh well.

What's up everyone! It's finally here! The newest and latest chapter for this fic!

I would like to say sorry for not getting it out sooner but I just hated myself for writing this chapter and I was not happy. Also, some parts I was writing was dumb and I felt dumb and I hated myself for it.

Regardless, I have this done and it is ready for you to be read.

I still think I could have done better but I am happy with this chapter, as I went over it five times(I'm not joking I literally did look and checked this chapter over 5 Times!)

Also, I should warn you all that it gets intense and a bit dark. Just a warning.

Now, I shall stop talking and let you guys enjoy this chapter!

So let's get to it!


A heavy silence covers over the group as they descend to the next Circle.

Izuku stands by the elevator doors as he stares at it, ignoring the Demons behind him.

Pandemonica looks with concern at Izuku, Modeus is sad, Cerberus is also unfortunate with their ears down and their tails not wagging, Malina is looking away, ignoring a certain someone, while taking a soft sip from her vodka, and finally, Zdrada stares at the ceiling while smoking a single cigarette.

The Demon Bitch turns her expression to the Mortal before her as The Slut and Dog try once more to hug and comfort the Mortal, but he just gently pushes them off. As her expression turns over to her sister, she's ignoring her but her eyes do drift off to the Mortal. Turning over to the  Tired Bitch, she notices that she is writing on her clipboard but stopping every few seconds to look at the Mortal.

As she softly blows another stream of smoke up to the ceiling she thinks maybe joining this 'group' wasn't such a good idea.

As Izuku was being 'tended to' by the girls, aka Cerberus and Modeus with Malina and Pande standing near him as the Hound of Hell licks his wounds and The Lust Demon not letting him go. Izuku is blushing from the contact and treatment as he's never had anyone help clean his wounds before.

He is amazed by how Cerberus' tongues not only cleaning his wounds but the wounds also close up, guess Cerberus has small healing when licking each other or themselves. wrong...

Pushing that aside...

Izuku turns to Pande, his face still red.

"I uh... glad you girls are ok... w-wasn't sure what I would do if I was by myself..." His expression looks down as he gains a gloomy expression. Modeus and Cerburs, who finished cleaning his wounds, hug him more with the Hounds of Hell rubbing their cheeks against his body.

"Which is precisely why we had to find you Izuku," Pande states making him look up at her again, "We have stayed with you this long, we weren't gonna abandoned you now." Izuku stares at her, his eyes slightly widening before looking down to see Cerberus still rubbing against him, he gains a soft smile as he starts to gently pet and rub their heads, getting the three girls to smile with their tails wagging happily.

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