Broken Home

427 19 5

Song: I Lost Myself -- Munn & Anna Clendening


I grimaced at the packed platform and, not for the first time since receiving the invitation to return to Hogwarts, started to rethink my decision.

What possibly possessed me to believe that this was a good idea?

I blew out a long stream of air, which did nothing to loosen the invisible boulder pressing down on my chest, making every breath an effort.

I felt like a wanker as I pulled the hood of my cloak over my frustratingly frizzy hair I have yet to learn to tame, but anything to keep my identity hidden from the reporters as well as the general public is worth the general stupidity.

It was a solid plan. A grand idea that would have worked- If I wasn't friends with the log-head known as Ronald Weasley.

"Hermione!" He greeted, enthusiastically waving at me as he was about to step onto the train to escape the crowd clamoring for a picture or an autograph from him.

Immediately, the crowd turned as one to face me.

"Bugger," I murmured under my breath, seconds before the crowd closed in on me.

I must remember to kick Ron's arse later I mentally noted before I folded in on myself and attempted to worm my way through the mob shouting at me.

I was about to snap at a reporter who stepped on the bottom of my cloak when suddenly everyone went as still as a statue, an abrupt silence cut through the crowded platform like a knife.

I used the distraction to my advantage and successfully snaked through the people around me. Only when I reached the steps onto the train did I turn to see what had caused the standstill of the platform.

Numb, gray eyes stared back at me.

Draco Malfoy wordlessly shouldered his bag as he pulled his trunk behind him. Malfoy wore black slacks and a loose gray sweater, his pale skin and bleach blond hair startlingly bright in contrast.

A path formed as Malfoy unhurriedly walked towards the train, people shuffling out of his way as if at any point he would turn and hiss at anyone who dared meet his eye.

I stood, glued to the steps of the train as Malfoy approached. His cheekbones and jawline jutted out of his skin alarmingly sharply and light purple circled his eyes, but it was the dull, drained look swirling in his irises that caused my lips to part in shock.

He stopped in front of me, at the foot of the stairs. With me on the top stair, we were the same height.

"Granger," he drawled.

I swallowed, "Malfoy."

We stood in a pang of silence before his lips twitched upwards, "Am I supposed to give you a password or am I allowed to bribe my way on the train?"

I glared at him, his quip breaking me out of my frozen stance in the doorway.

"Typical, of course, you would go straight to paying off people to get what you want."

Malfoy stepped onto the train and I stumbled slightly to move out of his way as he towered over me. His lips slowly spread into his signature smirk I wish I could slap off of his face.

"I hear we're meant to be head boy and head girl this year, Granger."

I folded my arms over my chest defensively, already anticipating an insult forming in his head, "For the record, I advised against the pairing."

It Would Be You -- DramioneWhere stories live. Discover now