The Ginger Knobhead

249 13 8

Song: How I'm Feeling Now -- Lewis Capaldi


I have successfully avoided Malfoy like the plague for the past three days, and I know it is not a realistic goal, but I plan on avoiding him for the rest of time.

Not one fiber of my being wants to hear him talk about my momentary insanity the night I practically spilled my guts to him. This Ron situation really has the lid on my emotions unnervingly loose.

I buried my head in my hands and groaned as a fresh wave of embarrassment crashed over me.

"Hermione? Are you all right?"

I almost fell off the quidditch bleachers at the unexpected intrusion but thankfully caught myself before face-planting. I looked up to see Luna standing a few bleachers down from me with Neville trailing behind.

"Hiya Hermione," he waved.

"Hi guys," I breathed, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear and wondering if my day could get any worse, "I'm all right, Luna, thanks. Just lots of studying to catch up to."

Neville laughed at that, "Classic Hermione. You know it's only the first week, right? You don't need to kill yourself over school just yet."

I smiled at that, "What can I say, I'm an overachiever. What are you guys doing here? Pick up a quidditch fascination over the summer, did you?"

Luna shook her head lightly, her carrot earrings swinging with the movement, "Not quidditch, necessarily. I find it quite entertaining watching the Umgubular Slashkilters chase after the players."

I, as discretely as possible, slid my eyes to Neville to gauge the credibility of her words. Neville just shrugged back.

"Right, naturally, the Umgubular Slashkilters, sounds like a blast."

Neville rubbed Luna's shoulder while smiling at her affectionately before Luna turned to throw a grin over her shoulder at him. My heart about melted at the sight.

"Congratulations, by the way, on making it official," I nodded at Neville's hand on her shoulder, "I'm truly happy for you both."

Over the summer the two had officially started dating, and they made the most adorable couple.

"I believe the war gave loneliness a new, much scarier reality," Luna mused.

I winced at the words, knowing the truth of them all too well. Thank Merlin for beauty spells or the whole castle would think I was a ghost from the lack of sleep I wore as part of my wardrobe these days.

"Speaking of, I'm sorry to hear about you and Ron. I could've sworn the two of you were destined to be together," Luna remarked.

This time, both Neville and I winced at the words. Bless Luna and her complete and utter lack of people skills.

"Thanks, Luna," I muttered.

"Congrats on head girl, Hermione," Neville took the hint and steered clear of the topic, switching to talk about yet another male I'd rather not think about, "Rotten luck that you had to do it with Malfoy, though.

I internally groaned, tell me about it.

"Yeah, apparently it was a special request from Dumbledore so there really was no argument that could have changed anything. I figured I wasn't going to let Malfoy ruin the opportunity for me."

"I imagine he's a pain in the arse to live with," Neville laughed.

I laughed back weakly, "I admit, I thought it would be worse, but it's certainly not a picnic."

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2023 ⏰

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