the hallucination

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(Y/N) pov

I look around for any sign of the Maximoff twins whilst Tony deals with Ultron when suddenly I get a strange sensation through my head, I try to shake it off I find myself in a bar...the bar I met Dinah in.  I look around shocked and confused until suddenly I'm grabbed by the arm "hey there stranger" a familiar voice says, i look at the source and see Dinah standing in front of me "Dinah? H-how? I saw you die?" I ask "it doesn't matter that you're here, you can stop fighting now" she says before hugging me.  Despite this all feeling odd I go to hug her too when she suddenly coughs up blood and falls to the ground "DINAH! I yell as I try to catch her "why didn't you save me" she asks with a cold blank stare.

I look up and next thing I know I'm in a forest "poor poor (y/n) always wanting to do the right thing" another familiar voice says, I turn around to see Felicity standing there "what is this?" I ask as I start pacing around only to be pushed to the ground by a man I'd hoped never to see again "miss me kid?" Slade asks "why are you here?" I ask as I feel it harder to breathe "we're here because of you" Dig says as he steps out from behind a tree "we're just a few of the people whose lives you've ruined (y/n), both as yourself and as the arrow" he adds "I don't understand-" I go to say "of course you don't because all you really care yourself, you don't care who gets caught in the crossfire " Felicity says as they start circling around me "your father, Shado, Akio, Tommy, Malcolm and Dinah, not to nention the countless soldiers and criminals you've killed" Slade says "how many more huh (y/n)?, how many more bodies will you add to the pile?" Dig asks "this isn't real, it's not" I say to myself as I cover my ears "me?, Felicity?, Barry?...these new friends of's only a matter of time, because we all know that you leave a trail of bodies every damn place that you go!" Dig yells out, his voice echoes out before they all collapse to the ground.

"(Y/n) do you copy?" Clint asks over the comms.  I quickly shake my head and put my hand on my chest as I take in my surroundings "y-yeah I copy...the girl, she has some psychic ability" I say as I lean against the wall

Hey guys hope you enjoyed this, this was just a quick look to show you what (y/n) hallucination would've looked like during the events of Age of Ultron.

Will probably do one for an alternate endgame ending at some point

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