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minori xyn norts.

" Bobby brown was so fine . " Riah exclaimed, passing me the wood. " Whitney would've had to see me about him not gone lie at all! "

I frowned taking my first pull from the wood; we we're currently sitting in her room waiting on our dad to pick us up for our father and daughter lunch date.

One thing about our daddy he don't play about his kids and when it comes to spending time with them. He makes Cay go out and do stuff with him all the time even though he hates it.

Cause he calls it quote on quote gay to be out eating with another nigga, he's just dumb and say anything to be honesty.

Hearing a loud ass horn I raised up from her bed, " Come on before he start blowing my phone up. "

With the wood in my mouth and the freshly rolled other three in my hand. I grabbed my purse off her bed and sped walk to the door leaving her behind to lock up the house.

" Took you long enough nigga. " He complained as soon as I got into the car, " And give me this. "

I shrugged watching him smoked the wood me and Mariah was smoking; Lightning another one I ignored him talking shit.

" It's so damn hot out here !! " Mariah complained — she just like her damn daddy with all this complaining. " Satan needs to close his ass cheeks up before I get mad ! "

" Close his what ? " My dad frowned swerving onto the freeway. " His ass cheeks nigga. " She repeated in the same tone.

Smacking his lips , " Why would he— "

" Please don't ask me anything you don't want the answers to Angelo ! " I busted out laughing at the both of them.

They stared at me both looking like the fools they are and then they look JUST alike chile. Her mama hated this nigga her whole pregnancy for sure.


" Being a girl boring. " Sev boredly said, " I wanna have two niggas pregnant by me at the same time. "

Miami frowned, " You won't be saying that when they both put you on child support. "

I nodded laughing, " Niggas already sassy as fuck. "

" I just wouldn't pay it. Fuck them and they kids. " Sev bluntly answered. " I would be out getting milk as soon as they touch down in the hospital. "

" Shoot I might even grab me a few more diary products while i'm there. " She added

" Anyways , where my man at ? " Miami questioned us squinting

" Bitch how the fuck w— " She raised her hand at me cutting me off mid sentence.

" Donttttt care , where's my man? "

As soon as I was finna open my mouth Mariah strolled into my room along with the Spice Girls plus two behind her.

I call them that cause it's only four of them and they always together like they some girl group— you know what I shouldn't have to explain that to y'all the fuck.

" Wassup , Destiny Child. " Woodie greeted plopping down on my bed, ON TOP OF ME.

" I'm Kelly !! " Sev quickly claimed her position in the group while I gasp for air.

" My man , my man, my man !!! " Miami exclaimed kissing on that creature.

That boy so ugly I'm beyond happy woodie was putting me out of my misery, I just couldn't take anymore of this beauty and the BEAST action.

And it was like Woodie read my mind, he rolled off my chest laying just on my stomach while he other half hanged off the bed.


" Y'all making my stomach hurt . " Mariah gagged looking honestly disgusted.

" It's like watching furry porn ... " One of the random boys added earning weird glances from us all, " What ? y'all never accidentally clicked the wrong video..? "

" nope " " no " nah " " hell no " " uht uht " We all responded at once.

" I've only accidentally clicked on some white people fucking . " Sev informed us " I threw up once I heard cock one time. "

" Yea, I instantly get ready to throw my phone away when I look up ebony porn and they show me non colored people. " Mariah added

Miami still was rubbing— no petting the creature making me uncomfortable.

" Can you tame your animal somewhere else please ? " I asked

I mean this is my room and house. I don't need any of my good furniture destroyed because mutha fuckas wanna take in strays.

" Y'all doing to much now. " Miami smacked her lips holding her pet tightly. " This my man and y'all better stop it before I beat on y'all !! "

She bucked at us earning blank stares; I fake jumped back to make her feel better only to earn laughter from around the room.

What's funny y'all ?



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