part 18 secrets..

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"Stop it.." Chris whined as she felt another kick into her stomach. "P-Please, stop it.." She whispered, biting onto her lips. She couldn't cry, not in front of him. "Little Chris is showing weakness?" Ed laughed coldly and kicked her rips again. She shook her head. "Zayn knows everything. He know you're being abused the whole time. But does he care?" Ed laughed his cold laugh and kicked her again. "No! And do you know why he doesn't care about you?" He grabbed her wrist and slammed her against the cold wall. "Because you're a worthless piece of shit!" He shouted. Chris couldn't stand it anymore. She mentally begged Ed to stop telling her those things. "So, what would happen if Liam finds out about our little secret?" Ed asked. "He'll break up with Zayn. And who's fault is it?" Another kick. "YOURS!" Tears were streaming down her cheeks, but she didn't care anymore. She didn't care if Ed was watching her cry; she knew that was the thing he wanted. Seeing her break down. She didn't make any sound, only tears were streaming down her face, dropping onto the floor. "So it'll be your fault if Liam and Zayn are broke apart. And you know how much they mean to each other. Only because you were so selfish and couldn't stand a couple of beat ups, two people who are despretly in love with each other will be broke apart. Do you want that? Do you want your best friend to cry himself in his sleep every night, because of you?" She shook her head. "Then let your little mouth shut and everybody's fine... Except you, but who cares?" he laughed and finally walked away.

Chris came home and saw Zayn sitting on the couch. She slammed the door shut and he snapped his head up. He gulped; He exactly knew what happened to her. She gave him the finger, not looking at him and walked past him into the kitchen. "FUCK YOU!" she yelled and walked with the ice pack into her room.

He sighed and got up. He decidet at least to try talking to her. He went upstairs and knocked at her door. "Piss off!" he heard her shout. "Please Chris, let me talk to you!" He begged. "No!" He sighed and opened the door. Suddenly he felt something hard and cold hitting him. The ice pack. She threw the ice pack right into his face. "Can't you hear?!" She shouted and slammed the door shut, right in front of his face. "Chris!" "Leave me allone, you're like Ed! A selfish prick who likes to see others break down! I fucking hate you both!" Did she mean it serious? "You know you don't hate me!" "What makes you so sure?! I don't understand Liam! How can he love someone like you?!" "Stop it, Chris!" "I'm only telling the truth! Like Ed tells me the truth! The truth hits you hard sometimes, Zayn. BUT IT'S BETTER THAN A FUCKING LIE." Eventually the door swung open. "You've never liked me, Zayn. Because you're jealous." She said, her eyes locked with his. "You're a fucking bitch, that's why i can't stand you! You're stealing Liam!" Chris shook her head, a evily smirk across her face. "Watch your tone, Malik. You know i can tell Liam everything. He'll break up with you, because he wouldn't understand why you lied to him. He'd be very mad at you." She crossed her arms. "Y-You wouldn't dare to tell him. You don't want him to be sad about the break up." "But i want him to be sad because i don't tell him what's up, huh?" He gulped. "P-Please Chris, don't tell him, i really love him.." Zayn looked at the ground and Chris heard a soft sobb. She sighed and patted his back. "Hey, dude, i know how much you love each other... I'm just a bit frustated." She gave him a weak smile and went into her room again, shutting the door.

Next morning before school. "Hey babe." Ed smiled at Chris and pecked her cheek. He took her hand, but she pushed him away. "Leave it." She said and was about to walk away, when she felt his hands wrapped around her waist. He lightly kissed her cheek again. "What's up with you today?" He asked and turned her around. She was sick of this acting in public, like she was in love with him. She could see Liam and Zayn holding hands, watching them. Liam had a worried expression in his face and Zayn looked a bit guilt.. He didn't care about her. Not at all. And of course, the girls giggling and whispering while watching Ed and Chris. The whole school knew about them, Ed was very popular. Chris rolled her eyes. "Hey, princess, come here." He wrapped his arms around her and hugged her. She sighed and hugged back, her head nuzlet into the crock of his neck. Chris could still feel Liam's stare, she had to act like she was actually enjoying it. They stood there, just standing still in each others arms, untill the bell rang. "See you after school."

he said and winked, pecking her cheek one last time. She knew what that meaned. She saw Liam walking towards her, of course still holding Zayn's hand, so Zayn came also. "Hey babs." Liam smiled and hugged her with one arm. "Hi.." she mumbled. Zayn looked away.

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