
128 4 13

Peetah's phone kept buzzing, and honestly, it was pretty annoying. All he wanted to do was make toast.

Eventually he got sick of the sound, (and also felt bad for ignoring whoever kept texting him) and got his phone. 114 messages, all from the same person.

"PEETAH" was the only thing Ashley was sending. "WHAT?!" He typed back, annoyed, but also a bit worried even though he wouldn't admit it.

"Do you want to go to the mall with me and a few others?" Ashley texted back, acting like she didn't just spam him like Devoun or Woozlo died in-front of her. Seriously? That's it?? Peetah thought. He was fighting the urge to throw his phone into the toaster.

Nether the less he found himself texting back "Yeah whatever."


The traffic was horrible. Worse than he's ever seen in Robloxia. After what felt like years, (twenty minutes, but Peetah has no concept for time) he finally arrived at the stupid mall.

He slammed his head on the steering wheel before walking to the front door, where he saw Ashley standing. He laughed. I'm like 100 yards away, and yet I can still easily recognize Ashley cause of her stupid cowgirl hat.

"Took you long enough." Ashley says, spotting Peetah. "Oh shut up! The traffic was horrible!" 

After spending hundreds of dollars on decorations for their houses (something they'll never use) they got tired. Probably from holding heavy bags on their arms.

"How the hell are you going to use all of that?" Hyper said, looking at the eighty bags in-front of him, honestly, the duo was just lucky Hyper always brings a cart. "I don't know." Ashley said, before following Peetah into yet another store.

Ashley and Peetah ended up talking about something. In all honesty, it could be in between committing arson to asking how their day went.

Some supply stocker must have heard them, as she walked up to the duo. "Uh, excuse me, but are you two siblings?"

Ashley and Peetah looked at each-other, like a staring contes, but the loser had to speak first. "No, we're not." Ashley spoke first, like she always does, this has happened more than once, though they hate to admit it.

"Oh! Sorry, are you two dating then?" The stocker asked. This time Ashley laughed while Peetah gagged. "Oh hell no. If this idiot were to tell me she likes me, I'd jump off a bridge." At that the duo ran out of the store, leaving Hyper and the others confused.

"What the hell happened in there?"

Requested by GeminiGalatic

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