Chapter 1

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001 - School


I woke up to Shelby shaking me. She practically lives with us. "what?" i complained. "we've got school," she says. I get up and take a shower. I blow dry my hair and put it into a low messy bun. I get changed into a set of comfy but nice clothes.

No handbag

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No handbag

I grabbed my car keys, bag and phone. We headed downstairs and got some breakfast before leaving. "guys, here she is. calm down," Matt says putting his phone down infront of me. "hey guys," i smiled. "well, i've got to go, bye," i smiled before leaving. Shelby got into the car and we picked up the others. We picked up Harley, then Josh.

We arrived at school. I parked then we all went to our lockers. "if it isn't little miss piggy," Alayah says. gosh i hate her. "leave her alone," Shelby says. "what? can't she stand up for herself?" she laughed. "oh no i can. i just don't need you and your blabbering mouth, talking smack to me," i say slamming my locker shut. "Ooo someone's mad," her minion laughed. "i'm not mad, i find it funny, how you 4 feel the need to be obsessed with me," i laughed.

"whatever, let's go " Alayah rolled her eyes. "damn girl," Harley says in a girly voice. "when are you gonna fight her, i'm dying to see it," Josh complained. "i'll fight her when the time comes," i say. We walk to class. We continue our lesson 2 boys walked in. NO. WAY. Javon and Jaden Walton.

"Javon and Jaden right?" Mr Mack asked. "yes sir," Jaden says. "great, yous can sit by Y/n and Harley, guys put your hands up," Mr Mack says as we put our hands up. They walk over to us and sit down. "here," Alayah winked and passed a note to Javon. "Alayah, stop passing love notes to boys who clearly don't want you," Mr Mack says making everyone laugh.

"look, all alone," Alayah laughed with her friends. "just leave me alone," i say washing my hands. "no! you think your a big girl. well physically yea but you need to stop," she says. "stop what?" i asked. "being such a brat! Just because your a Sturniolo doesn't make you cool," she yelled. "jealous much?" Shelby says as she walked into the bathroom. "let's go," Alayah says.

We go back to our lunch and eat. We had softball practice for our last period. We all headed to our locker rooms. I got to my locker and opened. BOOM. fucking alayah with her glitter bombs. "i'm gonna FUCKING kill this slut!" i yelled. I started walking back to the hallway and into the maths room. "y/n-" "you think it's fucking funny! i'm sick and tired of you, Maci and Ruby!" i yelled at Alayah. "i'm sorry?" she spoke. "oh I'm SoRrY, bull-fucking-shit. yous think it's funny to bully people? i've let you be a bitch for all these years! Since fucking elementary! i go home and think to my self. 'oh maybe tomorrow is the day she realises, she's a fucking bitch' BUT NO!" i yelled at her making her flinch.

"y/n stop," Josh says. "how can you say stop? she has been an absolute bitch to you aswell. SHE CHEATED ON YOU WITH YOUR BEST MATE! She made you loose half of your family! she made you leave your life behind!" i yelled. "i did no such thing! i think your just jealous of how famous and hot i am," she says. "Jealous, you think i'm jealous? of who? you? no, i'm not, keeps telling yourself that, but believe it or not. your not worth my jealousy," i say before leaving.

I go back to the locker room and get changed into my softball clothes. I grab my bat and glove. I find Shelby and Nyla to practice a triangle throw. (you throw the ball within the triangle. you call a name and that person has to drive for the ball). "Nyla!" i yell as i threw the ball into the middle. "yes!" she celebrates. "Y/n!" she yelled. I dived for the ball and caught it. "Shelly!" i yelled.

We had a game today, at 4:30. "everyone in!" coach yelled. "so as you know, we're versing the one team who's are our hardest competition," he says. "yea," we all answered. "well they lost #3," he smiled. "yes!" some of us yelled. Their #3 was the best player they had. "Y/n go pitch, Shelby go catcher, Jasmine, Mila, Cassia, Nyla go bat, Jordan, Mally and Hally on the bases, the rest on the field.

Y/n - Skipp
Shelby - Shelly
Mila - Mousey
Nyla - Nyy
Jasmine - Jaz
Cassia - Caz
Jordan - Jordy
Mally - Mal
Hally - H
Rosey - Rose
Kelilah - dirah
Amy - Amy

I pitch the ball and Jaz misses. She gets one good hit but only makes it to 2nd. "Mila bat!" Coach yelled. Strikes 3. We all rotate before heading back to our dress shed. "girls," coach says. "i want this to be our hardest game! whether your 10 points away! if you prove to me, that our team is ready for the next step, i will take you there! but this game must provide strong teaming, lots of communication, no arguing, and last but least. Dancing!" he yelled as we all jumped in excitement. "and, and! if you win, dinner on me at the roadhouse restaurant!" he yelled.

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