first kiss

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(well~ um....'my teacher' novels i haven't figure out how to end it so I think i should um give you one shots as you wait for it? Yeab i think so)

Here you go :

Pichy's POV:

It's me and my girlfriend's 3 month anniversary! I'm so happy and I'm glad that we're staying strong. I guess you could say that we're still 'honeymoon' phase but I can feel her opening up a little bit more.
I'm on my way to isa's and when I arrive, I knock on the door, waiting for her. After a couple of seconds, the door opens and I see her
with a blanket around her and a soft smile tugs on her lips,
"Hey!" She greets me, smiling.
"Hi, darling." I greet her, she pulls me in by my arm and shuts the door, hugging me. I hug her back, holding her in my arms with a smile. "I missed you." I tell her, we haven't seen each other in a couple of days as we've both been busy.
"I missed you too." She admits, pulling away from the hug. "I just gotta get the popcorn out, then I'll be there. You just relax." She tells me, I nod my head and head over to the couch, sitting down. I hear the microwave open and I look over and see isa pulling out popcorn. She pours the popcorn into a bowl and she shuts the door. She heads over, beginning to eat the popcorn with a smile. "So! I was wondering if you wanted to watch Scream?" (Scream is the one of most scary series)
"Isaaaa! it's Christmas Eve." I remind her, she stares at me with her mouth slightly open, her face showing no emotion.
"So?" She asks with a light shrug, I laugh and nod my head.
"You know what? Yeah, put it on." I reply, seeing her smile and put the first one on,
"I love this series! Do you?"
"I do, it's one of the best horror series' ever." I express my opinion to her, seeing her eyes light up.
"Right? It's so good!" She agrees, with a light smile on her face. "What's your favourite?"
"Uh, p-probably the original. I like the original but the 3rd one is good because of Patrick Dempsey and Scott Foley." I answer, truthfully, nodding my head.
"Is that because of that show your watching?" She asks me, I nod my head, laughing softly.
"Yeah. Yeah, it is." I answer, nodding my head.
Reaching for some popcorn but she hits my
hand, "Ow." I let out, "What was that for?"
"It's my popcorn. I made it." She replies, making my mouth fall open in shock.
"Wh-? Yeah, and I'm your girlfriend. Sharing is caring." I tell her, seeing her roll her eyes, offering the bowl. I take a few and begin to eat them, she holds them close to her, wrapping her arms around the popcorn to give it a hug.
"No more." She tells me,
"Wh-? Why?" I ask, my head shooting in her direction. "Because I said so." She replies, sticking her tongue out at me then putting the third one on.
"We don't have to watch this one." I inform her, she glances at me confused before turning back to the TV.
"But you like it." She replies,
"I-I do but if you wanna watch another one then that's more than fine." I express to her, seeing her scoff and shake her head, resting her hand on my forearm.
"I wanna watch the third one~"
"~Okay, well.?"
"-Well...?" Isa trails off, waiting for me to continue.
"Well, we can watch it if you want, then." I reply, seeing her nod her head.
"Right answer." She tells me in reply, making me laugh.
It's halfway through the film right now and I glance over at isa to see her staring at the screen intently, a wide smile tugging on her lips as she continues to eat. I'm at the part where Tom Prinze is about to die. I see her lean her head back, narrowing her eyes as she waits for the kill to happen. Her face scrunching into discomfort.
"Oh, god, I hate and love this kill." I hear her say, as she chuckles softly. I nod my head in agreement, seeing her turn to me but I glance over at the TV before turning back at her. Seeing her smiling, her relaxing more and not bothering about the kill anymore. She's more intrigued in me than the TV.
"What?" I ask, narrowing my eyes. Leaning my head forward a little as I sit up a little bit, seeing her welcome my sitting up and copies my movement.
"Nothing, you're the one staring at me." She exposes,
"I wasn't." I deny, moving my head to the side, seeing her raise her eyebrows and look at me doubtfully.
"You were, you think I didn't notice?" She challenges, sitting closer. I chuckle softly, leaning back and pull my eyes away from her for a moment, looking back at her to see her staring at me. "You gonna answer-?"
"-Mm-mm." I shake my head,
"Yeah, sit in your corner." She tells me, chucking
popcorn at me but I catch it with my mouth. "Oh! Do it again." She tells me, she chucks another piece of popcorn at me and I almost catch it but it falls, I catch it with my hand though and move it into my mouth.
"Oh! See? Caught it. Totally caught it." I tell her, earning a snicker as she shakes her head, looking down at her popcorn and eating.
"Yeah, totally." Isa replies, sarcastically. Eating more popcorn. I look back at the screen and see that the house blows up.
I feel myself smile as I like this next bit, Dewey is falling down the hill and I glance outside the window, seeing that it's getting dark, hm... I didn't even realize. I turn back to the TV and glance over at her popcorn then look over at isa to see her staring at me.
"Yes, love?" I ask, seeing her move closer to me, wrapping her arms around my stomach, I lie down and she cuddles into me,
"Thank you." She mumbles, quietly.
"No problem." I reply, softly. Resting my hand on her back and tracing random shapes on her back. I feel her right hand rest on the right side of my neck and she snuggles her head deeper into the nape of my neck, humming contently.
"You smell really nice." I hear her say. I feel myself blush and my stomach go wild over this. My stomach doing backflips and making my brain go all fuzzy at this single compliment.
"O..oh... uh, t-thanks." I mumble, quietly. Feeling her place a short kiss on my neck, making me turn into a tomato and goosebumps form on my entire body.
"Are you blushing?" I hear isa ask, I look over at the TV and shake my head, lightly.
"No." I mumble, I feel her head remove my neck.
"Look at me-"
"-You've looked at me most of the night." I counter, earning a laugh. Feeling her rest her hand on my left cheek, moving my head toward her, seeing her face light up slightly.
"You are blushing." She says, smiling widely.
"No shit." I say through a small laugh, going to look back at the TV but I feel isa move my head turn back to her. "Listen, I came over to watch a movie with you, we've barely watched it." I tell her,
"As if you care." She replies, sitting up and straddling my waist, I rest my hands on her thighs. Beginning to sit up, seeing her eyes move between my eyes and my lips, seeing her cheeks turn a pink tint.
"Look who's blushing now-" I say, going to poke her cheeks but she hits my hand away. "Ow-"
"You deserve that." She tells me, hitting the back of my head, making me laugh.
"Ow." I tell her, poking her side, her squealing. I wrap my arm around her waist and move my head under her arm, lying her down, I move my head out and smile down at her.
"Can we have a truce and cuddle?" She asks me, I nod my head and tuck my head into the right side of her neck, deciding to pull something out of her book and place a kiss on her neck, feeling her breath suck in, her hand moving to my hair. Giving me head scratches. I smile, continuing to place delicate kisses in certain places on her neck. Feeling her grip tighten and her stop breathing before trying to calm down.
"You okay there?" I ask her, going to move my head back but she moves my head back into her neck, I chuckle softly and kiss her neck, moving my right hand onto the arm rest beside her head and move my head back as my left hand moves onto her left cheek. I see her smiling up at me, red as a tomato. Her nodding her head.
"More, now." She tells me, I glance at her lips, licking my own before I look into her eyes,
leaning in. Seeing her sit up and lean in as well. Both of our smiles draining and I rest my forehead against hers, gliding my hand along her jawline, moving my hand under her chin and tilting her head up.
"Can I kiss you?" I ask her, she nods her head and I lean in, shutting my eyes and kissing her. Her kissing me back. Butterflies swarming my stomach as I continue to kiss her. I pull away for a moment, feeling my eyes open and I blink repeatedly for a second. "Is it okay if..."
"Mm-mm." She agrees, pulling me back in as her hand releases her grip in my hair and moves to the back of my neck, I smile and once I'm an inch away, my eyes flutter shut and we kiss again. Both of us melting toward one another. I tilt my head to left at a break, feeling her pull away and dip her head, humming softly. I open my eyes and see her eyes still forced shut.
"Are you okay? Was that too much...? I... I'm sorry-"
"-No, it's okay." She says, barely above a whisper. "Just... uhm, b-butterflies. Making me a little nauseas." She admits, sheepishly. I nod my head lightly,
"Okay, just tell me if you need to go to the bathroom." I tell her, resting my left hand on her waist, her nodding her head. I rest my head carefully above her heart and listen to her fast heartbeat. I can tell she's waiting for me to make a snarky comment on how fast her heart's beating but I just want to take care of her. Make sure she's feeling okay.
"C... Can I give you head scratches?" She asks me, I nod my head and she moves her hand through my hair, I glance up at her and see a light smile tug on her lips, she leans down, placing a kiss on my head and continues to run her hand through my hair. Both of us focusing on the movie, kissing here and there but not for too long in case she feels nauseas again.

Thank for waiting and support 🤟

Cr : jordkate

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