❤️‍🩹Stanley Gets Sick

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Short story! Also this isn't really hurt/comfort but I didn't have another label for it. But I guess you can call it comfort since Stanley's sick? Idk just read it🥲

"When Stanley came to a set of two open doors, he entered the door on his left."

Stanley squinted his eyes, which way was left again? Ever since the last reset his mind was foggy and he couldn't concentrate on anything. He continued to stare at the doors, amazed at how he could forget something so simple.

Uhm... Narrator-

"Yes Stanley?"

Stanley hesitated, was he actually going to ask the Narrator which direction was left?? He would look like a total idiot!! For God's sake he was a grown man and he was acting like a child! But if he didn't ask, they wouldn't get anywhere-

Which way is left.

Stanley heard the Narrator snort, obviously trying not to laugh.

"Heh- really Stanley?? You-" The Narrator burst out laughing, making Stanley even more embarrassed. "My goodness, this is almost as funny as the time I saw a man turn himself into a pickle!! A pickle!!!!"

While the Narrator continued to laugh like a dying chicken, Stanley's eyesight was becoming awfully blurry. He felt quite hot too, and light-headed.

Narry- I don't feel so good

Just then Stanley collapsed onto the floor, completely unconscious.


When Stanley woke up he felt hotter than before, making him uncomfortable. He pulled off the blanket and tried to get up, but his head started pounding, making him flop back down. He groaned softly, pulling the sheets back over his body, suddenly feeling extremely cold.

Wait a damn minute..

Stanley looked around, noticing that he was no longer in his office building. Was he even still in the parable?

Stanley looked at the foot of his bed and saw something tall. He was pretty sure it was just a coat rack, but he couldn't see much in the dark room and his mind kept playing tricks on him, making it look like a demon. Stanley continued to stare at the tall object, he thought that if he looked away it would move, or disappear.

Just then somebody turned on the light in the room, and Stanley let out the most high-pitched, girly ass scream. He had practically jumped out of bed, falling face first onto the floor.

"Stanley what the hell was that?"

He looked up to see the Narrator standing in the doorway, he stared at Stanley.

You scared the shit out of me that's what that was.

The Narrator rolled his eyes and walked over to Stanley, scooping him up and dropping him back onto the bed.

I could've gotten up myself you know-

Stanley crossed his arms as the Narrator laid the blanket back on top of him.

"Stop making such a fuss, try to go back to sleep."

Narrator, I'm not a child, I don't take naps.

Stanley tried to get up, but the Narrator placed a hand on his chest and shoved him back down.

"Well you're taking one now. You have a high fever, you need rest."

Stanley stared at the Narrator, he had to be joking. Was it even possible to get sick in a game?

That's impossible, I can't get sick.

"Well then how do you explain this?" The narrator stated, holding a thermometer to his head and then showing him the temperature.

So what, can't you just reset me?

The Narrator sighed, "I tried, it only made it worse. Resetting never seems to fix things it always does the opposite"

Of course, so there's no easy way out of this-

Stanley pulled the blankets over his head. Great...now he was going to have to rely on the Narrator to take care of him.

"Would you like me to make you something to eat? I'll make whatever you want as long as you sleep after."

Can you make lasagna?

The Narrator stared at Stanley, "Of all the foods that you could have chosen, you picked lasagna."

Stanley nodded his head, he loved lasagna.

The Narrator smiled slightly, "You're such an oddball."

He turned and left the room, leaving Stanley by himself.


When the Narrator returned he was holding a small plate of lasagna, he sat it down on the nightstand next to Stanley. He also sat down a small cup of water and pills.

"Take one of these when you're done eating, then get some rest."

Stanley nodded and took the plate, watching the Narrator leave the room.

When he finished his meal he took the pill and laid back down, his head hurt less now but he still felt uncomfortable. With the blanket on he felt too hot, but when he took it off he felt way too cold. Then, Stanley got an idea.


"Be there in a moment!" He called from the other room.

"Yes Stanley?" the Narrator leaned against the door frame, he looked like he had just been cleaning.

Can you lay with me?

The narrator's face flushed bright red, how the hell did Stanley say that with a straight face?! He quickly looked down, trying to hide his panicked expression.

You don't have to-

"No no, that's not it." He looked back at Stanley, did he really not notice how that sounded?

He walked over to the bed, laying down and closing his eyes. Suddenly he felt a pair of arms wrap around his waist, seeing Stanley pull himself closer. He buried his face in the Narrator's chest, exhaling softly.

The Narrator wasn't sure what to do at first, but then he wrapped his arms around Stanley, resting his face in the crook of his neck.

"Only this once.." he mumbled, before letting himself fall asleep.


I hope you enjoyed! There will most likely be a part two to this, but I'm not sure yet. Anyways thank you for reading my one-shot❤️(like really how did you even find this😀)

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