The Kid and The Memory Loss

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Recap: Seki destroyed

Still third persons POV
"I'm sorry.. Liz.. in the end I couldn't protect you and Seki " Meliodas wailed
"Don't cry.. " Liz spoke "We'll see each other again.. For now protect my sister. Please. .."

Meliodas woke up to see Elizabeth crying.
"Your awake I thought you would never open your eyes again. I was so scared! " Elizabeth sobbed.

"Don't worry I won't die cause I still have promises to keep! " Meliodas spoke patting her back.

"Where are we anyway and where's Seki.?"

Promises? Another promise? Elizabeth thought but kept quiet and answered.

"Camelot's royal chambers and Seki's over there," she pointed her and a kid on the bed across mine.

"Whose the kid?" He asked.

"I don't know he just ran here and went to Seki's bed and slept next to her,"

"Come on lets wake the kid up and Seki it gets ugly cause she's still mad."

"I know."

"Wait you saw her fight?"

She just nodded and shook the kid.

"Good morning," the boy replied, "How can I help you?"

"I was wondering if you could wake up that girl next to you."

"You mean mama?"

Mama? Elizabeth and Meliodas looked at each other confused.
Seki stirred and yawned awake. "Morning Shiro, Eli, Io " she spoke and hug who is supposedly Shiro the kid closing her eyes.

"Mama wake up!!! " he yelled slapping both her cheeks the same time and pulled away to see red little handprints.

"I'm up!! " She yelled stumbling and fell down her bed causing the little boy to laugh.

"Thanks!... " Meliodas thanked.


"Thanks Shiro!"

"Come on I'll show you to the others " he happily held Seki's hand dragging her.

~time skip ~

Seki's POV
"So your awake! " They greeted
While I waved with my free hand while I carried Io with Elizabeth on the left I would be fine but she insisted.
"I don't understand why Galan wouldn't finish us off and just leave " Io asked
"Cause I kicked his butt? " I replied annoyed
"And I altered his memory " A newly found voice answered
"Oh.. Gowther whats with the outfit? " Meliodas answered
"I have no clothes " he answered while opening the blanket I gave him earlier. I facepalmed before Io shove both mine and Eli's face away while she blushed. When he closed it I went next to Arthur and comforted him but I know she's alive they listened when Hawk told them how I kicked Galan's butt but what startled me was when Arthur yelled for Merlin.
"Where are you looking at Arthur? " Merlin asked in her Scared treasure
"It's the pretty ball I saw a few days ago " Shiro exclaimed in delight
"Did you play with it? " I asked
"No. Its not mine.. " he said innocently
"Good. " I said ruffling his hair
"Sorry we didn't catch your name. " The guy with the mask said
"Sorry for not introducing earlier " Shiro bowed "I'm Toshiro Seki-sans adoptive son, everyone calls me Shiro or Toshi cause they say I'm smart! " He proudly said while I giggled and hugged him affectionately.
"That means.. I'm an aunt! " Eli cheered
"Aunty!!! " Shiro yelled hugging her I laughed
They discussed about some thing I didn't care but I know is the topic was find Escanor, lion sin of Pride and defeat the Ten Commandments and blah blah blah.

Just then a portal came out of nowhere infront of Io and Eli, and King came crashing in, almost kissing Io, while he just grab his face and threw him over...
"That was close.." Io said while King just continuously mutter 'ow' in pain.
"Diane!!! " He screamed just then she stirred awake looking around.
"Eh... Who are you? "
"Come again?... Come on Diane its me King. "
"You mean that King? But he's round and whiskery.. "
"That's kinda true but.. "
"(Yo!) Diane are you okay? " Io and I said in unison
"Of course Meliodas, Hime-chi! " She answered Hime -chi? It's been along time she called me that
"Are you sure Diane? " Eli asked worriedly, while Diane went wide eyes and almost attack her.
"Yamete! Diane " I ordered sternly
"Hai! " She replied almost scared.
"Welp.. I'm off to play with Shiro." I started to break the tension "Io you know what to do. " I nodded seriously.

- time skip - by Toshiro eating watermelons

A guard informed me to the palace immediately. I nodded and grabbed Shiro's hand and led him to the palace asking a maid to clean him after our catch game. I arrive at the door to see Merlin, Hawk, and Io talking about Diane I guess, only to be asked by Merlin:
"Why did she call you Hime-chi?"
I sighed "The day Me and Io met Diane. "
"Why though? How so? "
"Because she thought I was a princess. Cause I was good to her in her eyes she saw a princess, which irritates me. I'm no princess Call me an amateur or anything but that!!!" I yelled
"Oh yea ".Io said while putting his fist into his palm in a remembering form "I remember she called you that for the first time you totally scared her though with bugs! "
"And the look on her face was priceless!! " I said laughing hysterically "Well then I'm gonna check on her "
I turned around redirecting myself to the room I last saw her to see her gone and King yelling her to come back. I turned around to see The others running towards the direction she was going.. I smiled to myself and ran following them. - to be continued -

Well that went quite well I'm hoping for an update on MangaReader though longest one yet!!!

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