[10:30pm] 11/10/22
Charles: Bro I just got dumped by my now ex-boyfriend dislocated his knee when he bent down to suck my dick
Unknown Number: I'm sorry do I know you?
Unknown Number: Unless you make a habit of messaging people you have never met details about your love life
Charles: wait...you're not my brother
Unknown Number: no I am not. That was definitely a rather strange first conversation to have with someone
Charles: agreed
Charles: I am very sorry by the way
Unknown Number: no worries
Unknown Number: so how did you get my number then?
Charles: well my brother recently got a new phone so I must have copied it down wrong
Unknown Number: well that was very stupid of you
Charles: yes it was
Unknown Number: despite the fact that I have no idea who you are please tell me more about this ex-boyfriend situation, you have intrigued me
Unknown Number: It has been bugging me for over 40 minutes now, how exactly did he dislocate his knee
Charles: you really want to know?
Unknown Number: this has been the most exciting thing that has happened all day. It will be fun to laugh at someone else's expense.
Charles: Well he lent down to y'now...
Unknown Number: yeah I got that part
Charles: he slipped on a bit of paper and dislocated his knee.
Charles: I can't believe I'm telling you this, I normally would never share details like this with a stranger For all I know you could be a serial killer or something like that
Unknown Number: I may hate everyone however I am not a serial killer, although my coworkers may disagree. Personally I am more of a psychopath than a serial killer - not that I've killed anyone before
Charles: because that's not concerning at all
Unknown Number: I would have laughed when he hurt himself
Unknown Number: well why did he dump you?
Charles: I kinda stood there and tried not to laugh
Unknown Number: congratulations Unknown Number you have successfully completed something that not many people can do
Charles: and what might that be Darling
Unknown Number: make me laugh
Charles: well I have a habit of doing that
Unknown Number: what's with the darling, we've barely know each other for 5 minutes
Charles: oh sorry if I sounded forward, I just happen to be flirty with everyone
Unknown Number: fair enough
Charles: and Unknown Number, really, you could have asked me what my name is
Unknown Number: and how do you know I'm not a psycopath who's here to kill you
Charles: I'd hardly think a psycopath would be interested in the dating life of someone he just met
Unknown Number: fair enough
Charles: I happen to be good at that
Unknown Number: good at what?
Charles: making logical explanations that you cannot argue with
Unknown Number: I can't wrong you there, Where'd you get so good at it
Charles: Well it comes in handy with my job
Unknown Number: well before I ask you your job, may I ask you your name
Charles: Sure, I'm Professor Charles Frances
Unknown number: wow a professor, what of?
Charles: Generics, at New York university.
Unknown Number: impressive
Charles: may I ask what your name is Darling?
Unknown Number: you may ask however I probably won't tell you
Charles: feeling grumpy then?
Unknown Number: According to my co-workers I always look like I'm about to kill someone
Charles: interesting
Unknown Number: I don't know why I've been so nice to you to be honest as nice isn't generally my forte
Charles: I guessed
Charles: mean while my colleagues call me a 60 year old man
Charles: and I'm 27
Unknown Number: awww a little baby
Charles: how old are you then?
Unknown Number: 31
Charles: good to know
The Unknown Number
RomanceWhen Charles accidentally sent a message to a wrong number, a friendship is formed. Little did he know, that friendship would turn into being something much more.