Fourty-five - smile

87 9 27

[10:34am] 06/12/22


Charles: what is it?

Charles: what's wrong?

Charles: what happened?

Eric: I'm borrrreedd

Charles: I thought something important happened

Eric: am I not important?

Charles: of course you are

Eric: I had better be

Eric: anyway, I'm bored

Charles: poor baby

Eric: yes poor me

Charles: what do you want me to do about the fact that you are bored?

Eric: I don't knowww

Charles: I can't help you then my dear

Eric: :(((((

Charles: awwwww poor Eri

Charles: I'm sending you a big hug and lots of kisses

Eric: <333

Charles: now I must go, I have a class to teach

Eric: I love you

Charles: I love you too


Eric: what time do you finish today Charles?

Charles: 3pm, why?

Eric: I wanna fuck you


Charles: my students are now all staring at me because I am bright red and I chocked on my tea

Eric: why did you choke on your tea?

Charles: I was taken by surprise at the message you sent

Eric: if we were having this conversation in real life I'd be smirking

Charles: and I'd be pulling your pants off, what's your point?


Eric: now my colleagues are staring at me

Charles: hehehe, why?

Eric: I'm bright red

Charles: karma


Charles: I've just been plagued with questions

Eric: what are the nosy gits asking?

Charles: haha accurate description

Charles: "sir was that your boyfriend?"

Eric: yes

Charles: "did he send you a dick pic?"

Eric: no

Charles: shame

Charles: "does he wanna suck you off?"

Eric: yes

Charles: "does he want to have sex?"

Eric: yes

Charles: "did he send nudes?"

Eric: no

Charles: those were the top questions

Eric: hahaha

Eric: my employees are still staring as I've gone a bit pink


Charles: is your reputation crumbling?

Eric: of course not

Eric: I just glared at all of them

Charles: how did they react?

Eric: they looked nervous and went back to their work

Charles: how can they be scared if you, you're a big softie?

Eric: nooooo my reputation

Eric: I am terrifying

Eric: I reduced someone to tears because I looked at them

Charles: lmao

Charles: your employees sound like wimps

Eric: or you're just the only person who managed to break through my scariness


Charles: very possible

Charles: or I find your shark-ish grin absolutely stunning

Eric: it's not stunning it's hideous, that's why a lot of people are scared if me

Charles: Eric you have the most beautiful smile ever while some people may find it scary, I find it incredibly endearing and sexy

Eric: don't lie Charles

Charles: have I ever lied to you?

Eric: no

Charles: then why would I lie about this?

Eric: to make me feel better


Charles: well I'm not lying

Charles: I love your smile

Charles: do you want me to say it in German?

Charles: Ich liebe dein Lächeln


Charles: or mandarin?

Charles: 我愛你的微笑

Charles: or french?

Charles: J'aime votre sourire

Charles: or even Latin?

Charles: Amo risus


Eric: you really like my smile?

Charles: Are you daft?

Charles: Eric I just told you that I loved your smile in 5 different languages

Eric: thank you Charles

Eric: it means a lot to me

Charles: it's not a problem handsome

Eric: I only just realised that you called me daft

Eric: I am not daft

Charles: ...

Eric: :(

Charles: I love you darling x

Eric: I love you Charles x

Charles: <3

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