Sixty-eight - Bookshelf

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[10:41am] 28/12/22

Eric: so what time did you want to get your bookshelf

Charles: I don't mind, whenever you are able too I suppose

Eric: are you ok Leibe?

Charles: I miss you :'(

Eric: you are adorable

Charles: :D

Eric: you'll see me in a few hours, I'll come to get you as soon as possible

Charles: yay

Eric: as I really don't want to be away from you any longer than I absolutely have to

Charles: you're the adorable one now

Eric: you've shattered my reputation

Charles: alright, you're the sexy one

Eric: I love youuuu

Charles: I love you too darling


Eric: How are your legs today?

Charles: pretty good actually, I'm starting to feel them again however they do still hurt

Eric: I'm so proud of you mein Leibe

Eric: you are getting a celebratory kiss

Charles: yay

Eric: I would recommend using your wheelchair while we are out though, just incase

Charles: that's what I was planning to do

Eric: great minds think alike

Charles: indeed they do handsome


Eric: I'm on my way home <3

Charles: yay!


Eric's POV

The door to my apartment was opened by Charles. I immediately began to grin - he was standing. I rushed in and wrapped him in a tight embrace.

"You walked." I exclaimed happily.

Charles nodded, then pulled me into a kiss. I kissed him back, my hands resting around his waist.

"It was hard but I managed to walk from the bedroom to here." He whispered.

"I am so proud of you Charles." I grinned.

"I need my wheelchair, my legs can't handle it for long periods of time." Charles mumbled.

I picked him up and walked over to his wheelchair and carefully placed him in it.

"Shall we go then?" I asked, smiling at my fiancé.

"Yep." Charles grinned before wheeling himself out of our apartment.

I walked down the busy New York high street, Charles rolling along next to me. I grinned down at him, a warm feeling in my chest. His hand grabbed mine as he continued to steer his wheelchair.

"Have I told you that you look extremely handsome today?" I asked.

Charles blushed, "no you haven't."

"Well you look are the most handsome man on earth." I grinned.

Charles blushed a deep shade of red causing me to chuckle.

"Charmer." He mumbled, very embarrassed.

As he slowed to a stop, I realised I hadn't really been paying attention to where I was walking - I had only been paying attention to Charles. We got our train tickets with ease and due to how busy the station was, Charles let me push him so that we wouldn't get separated.

To say the trains were busy would be an understatement. There were no seats left available and it took quite a bit of time for a space to clear so that I could push Charles onto the train.

I held onto one of the handrails on the ceiling while Charles parked himself as close to me as he could. He lifted his hand to try and grab onto the handrail however due to him being in his wheelchair he couldn't reach. Charles turned to look up at me, pouting. He looked so adorable it made me chuckle slightly.

"You look adorable Schatz." I grinned, bent down and pressed my lips to his cheek.

Charles blushed which made me laugh quietly. I turned to look at the map to see how many stops it was until where we were getting off. However I was distracted by a slight weight by my waist.

I looked down and saw that Charles was holding on to my belt as if it were a handrail. Looking down at Charles, I saw his face staring up at me innocently.

I raised one of my eyebrows slightly, expecting Charles to blush. Instead he smirked at me causing my own cheeks to heat up.

"Eric, we get off here." Charles smiled.

I wheeled him off the train then we walked/rolled to where Charles was picking up his bookshelf.

When we got home, we collapsed on the bed and fell asleep, Charles nested in my arms. I

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