Inside Job

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Smokescreen was walking the halls of the Iacon Library with Alpha Trion. It was Smokescreen's job to protect Trion but at times it crossed his mind he was more of an assistant at this point.

"Smokescreen," Trion grabbed his attention, "I need to access a data pad, but it's too high... and the ladder hasn't been fixed. Could you grab it for me?" Typically a question like this would be strange, after all Alpha Trion was taller than him, but it didn't seem to bother Smokescreen.

From the ground came a long rope-like piece of metal, it moved in what seemed like its own accord. The metal tendril stretched high and wrapped itself around the data pad Alpha Trion wanted. It brought the pad to Smokescreen's servos, the tendril then disappeared into the ground. 

Smokescreen handed Alpha Trion the pad, "Here you go."

"Do you ever wonder why you can do that?" Trion asked, referring to the metal tendril.

"Not really," Smokescreen responded, "I've never really thought about it though... I'm sure others can do it too... It's just rare, right?"

Trion chuckled a bit, "You're the only one. You're destined for great things Smokescreen, in time you will find out what."


Smokescreen woke up from one of those memory dreams again, this one confused him quite a bit... was he really the one that made the metal thing?

"Wakey, wakey," Knockout was right in his face, it shocked him out of his thoughts.

"What!" Smokescreen started to struggle in his binds, he wished he had brought the Phase Shifter with him.

"Enough paddling Knockout," Megatron walked closer, he was now addressing Smokescreen.

"Hand me the final Iacon Relic, Now!"

Smokescreen glared at Megatron, "Yeah, I can't really help you with that. No idea where the last Relic is."

Megatron said Soundwave's name, the faceless 'con approached with the last Iacon file on his screen. It looked like they hadn't decoded it yet.

"You got the wrong guy, chef," Smokescreen stated, hoping his guess was right, "Optimus Prime's the one who can decide the Iacon database."

Megatron smirked, "Ah, but you misunderstand. The final entry has been decoded, by us. According to our findings, it would appear I do indeed have the right guy."

The decoded file appeared on Soundwave's screen, it was a picture of Smokescreen... This wasn't the first time he saw it but it was still a shock. Smokescreen cursed himself for hoping they hadn't decoded the file.

"Let's see what you... Nothing?!" Knockout had scanned him and found nothing. Megatron's face showed clear anger, Smokescreen put on a brave face but was sure Megatron could still tell he was scared.

"Where is the final Iacon Relic!" Megatron shouted.

"Honestly, no idea," Smokescreen responded with as much bravado as he could muster.

"Knockout," Megatron was clearly furious, "Do what you must to find the final Relic. Even if you need to tear apart his mind!" That last comment made Smokescreen shiver. Megatron left the room, now it was just Knockout and Smokescreen...


Smokescreen was now bound by his servos to the ceiling, his feet were about a foot of the ground.

Knockout had run a few test, none of them hurt, or caused Smokescreen any worry of what might be the side effects. I was actually pretty normal tests. Knockout had been in Smokescreens head and did find out about what the keys were, but he didn't find any of Smokescreen's strange memories. Mabye it was because of the device that was blocking those memories.

The room has was in was dark and boring, he needed to find a way out. Smokescreen thought back to the dream he had earlier. Could he real make a metal thing like what he did in the memory? He had to try.

Smokescreen focused as hard as he could, a metal tendril came from the ceiling. It worked! Smokescreen willed the tendril to untie him. Smokescreen dropped to the floor and rubbed his wrists, the tendril disappeared back into the ceiling.

"Huh," He said to himself, "It really worked."

He wasn't out of the woods yet though, he was still in the cell, which was on the 'cons ship. He needed to get out, and if he could, retrieve the Keys the 'cons already had. The large metal door blocked his path, locked of course. Smokescreen thought for a moment, if he could create metal... who said he couldn't change it.

Smokescreen placed a hand on the door, willing it to change. The door shifted into a shield that was secured to Smokescreen's arm. He peeked out the now open door way, looking to see what was around him.

It took some time but he found the room the 'cons kept the relics... There was only one key, Smokescreen had thought they had two.  Smokescreen grabbed the key and ran for the exit, surprisingly enough he got to the aerial pad undetected. He was high in the air, the only option was down.

Smokescreen placed the shield down and jumped of the edge.

Smokescreen went on comms, "Smokescreen to base, I could really use a ground bridge."

Ratchet responded simply, "Setting coordinates."

After a little while Ratchet spoke again, "Smokescreen, I'm opening the ground bridge below you."

"Brace yourselves, I'm gonna make an entrance," Smokescreen responded.

The portal opened under him and Smokescreen positioned himself in a way that he hopes would make the landing smoother. He flew through the bridge, landing on his feet in the Autobot base. The amount of momentum that was going through his body caused him to fall over in front of everyone.

"Hey," Smokescreen smiled as he got up, handing the key he had to Optimus.

Bumblebee beeped a question, ::Didn't the 'cons have two keys?::

"It was the only key in Megatron's vault," Smokescreen responded.

"Then two keys are accounted for," Optimus said as he grabbed the key Smokescreen had retrieved.

They were wondering where the other key was when they got a message from Starscream. He had the key, and was going to give it up, but only if they reinstalled his t-cog. Bulkhead, Optimus, and Ratchet went to Starscream's location.

Smokescreen stood guarding the bridge with Bee and Arcee. A strange feeling arose in his chest, like his spark was telling him something was wrong. Didn't Alpha Trion say something about listening to his spark? Suddenly the sprinkler system in the base started and an explosion was heard in the halls.

Smokescreen listened to the feeling in his spark. He secretly created a lip in the ground that someone could easily trip over. Arcee was commanded to close the ground bridge, just as she did Starscream came tripping over the lip Smokescreen had made, the two keys he had falling in front of him.

Starscream disappeared in a blurry out the main exit of the base, leaving the keys behind.

Wow, Smokescreen's spark was right... thanks to it he stopped Starscream from taking the keys.

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