How I fell for another emo....vampire!?

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Hey!!! You...yes you there.. come here....closer. READ MY STORY ALREADY!!! XD i have no clue why you keep getting closer o.o ANYWAYS. This is my first story it please.

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<3 Ali ^_^

Brittney POV

I clenched my stomach I feel the pain sinking in. "get up!" my dad yelled as he pulled me up by my hair. I screamed in pain and tried to get out of his grip and he through me inside my room and before he locked the door he said "Next time don't f***ing try to run away." I sat there crying for the past hour, then when i finally got up I went through my dresser and got a box of blades out. I picked one out and put it on my wrist and pressed it into my skin. remembering my mother.


"Brittney? look at me." my mommy said. "yes?" "promise me you will be strong and brave. you promise?" she asked. Before i could even respond she took her last breath and that was the end of her.


Silent tears fell from my face and i blacked out. I awoke to my dad yelling that i needed to get up. so i got up from my bed and took a quick shower. After that I put on black skinny jeans, a botdf shirt and black converse. I ran out the door and to school before i was late again. As i ran i listened to Cat and Mouse by The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus. When i got to school i ran past the cheerleaders and they tripped me. I felt someones arms grab me before i could fall. "awww look at that the emo freaks helping each other" said one the cheerleaders. I got out of his arms thanked him and walked away with my head down thinking of who he was and where he came from.

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