Chapter 14- Investigations

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Author's Note

Hope you all are enjoying reading my Hogwarts Legacy fanfic!!! I had so much fun writing this. Many more chapters to come. -kittyhawk

After the debut, everything changed. Everywhere I went, boys were offering to carry my books, offering to share their potions ingredients, or asking me on dates to Hogsmeade.

My focus was always Morgana. The debut had actually given me a gift: as the diamond, I had my pick of dates. These dates would give me the chance to investigate people close to Morgana to find out who would have a motive to kill her.

The first victim of my interrogation was Andrew Larson, who asked me out after DADA class. Unfortunately, after I accepted, I was immediately accosted by Sebastian.

"Andrew Larson?" he questioned with a sour tone, following me through the halls with a disapproving expression much like a father would.

I continued walking. "It's just a date, Sebastian. I'm planning to bring Natty along as well." I had confided in Natty that I had 'suspicions' about Morgana's death. She was all on board for cracking the case with me.

"Stop walking for two bloody seconds," Sebastian commanded.

I paused only to give him a pointed look. I had given my first dance to Sebastian, which apparently gave him the impression that he had some claim over me now. "Whom I date is not up to you."

Sebastian sputtered. "I know that! Prisma, you may date any man you choose- just not this one."

As I started to walk away, Sebastian placed a hand on the wall beside me, blocking my path. Leaning over me, he said, "Andrew Larson is a rake. Rakes go through women like handkerchiefs. He'll likely come up with an excuse to get you alone, and then take advantage."

I glared at the way Sebastian was keeping me caged. "Seems like you would know about that."

He released me. "I'm trying to show you how easy it is. You're so trusting of people, Prisma, I just want you to be careful with who you go out with."

"Look," I lowered my voice. "Andrew and Morgana used to be close. Additionally, he is a prefect. He may know something about Morgana's death. I'm trying to investigate any option possible, even if they are a rake."

Sebastian paused, realizing that my plan actually made sense. "Fine," Sebastian relented. "But I'm going, too. I'll sit with Natty. We can double date, or something."

And that was how I ended up at The Three Broomsticks on Saturday with Andrew Larson, the biggest playboy in Ravenclaw House, with Sebastian and Natty a few tables away.

I had worn a maroon dress patterned with white lace details around the collar and hem. It was a beautiful gown that I soon realized I had wasted on this date.

I wanted to drown myself after ten minutes of conversation with "Lord Larson". He spoke of his stellar grades and achievements endlessly. I liked men who were intelligent, but the way Andrew spoke made it sound like he was the first person in the world to do anything ever. The final straw was when he claimed he performed the best on O.W.L.S., and had received "Outstanding" on 9 out of 10 subjects.

When I reminded him that I got 10 O's, he claimed he had never heard that before, and hinted that I was exaggerating my own abilities. That made Sebastian and Natty burst into a huge fit of laughter. Andrew glowered at them.

"Andrew, I must confess that my motive for accepting your date was not to pursue a relationship with you," I said to the blue-eyed, blonde-haired man. "In fact, I think we're rather not suited for each other. I'm sorry."

Andrew's mood changed from boastful to pissy. "Fine. Why are you here, then?"

"I recall last year you were quite close with Morgana. I was wondering if you might know of someone who may think of her as an enemy."

Andrew shifted uncomfortably. "Who said I was close with Miss Rosier?"

"Well, no one had to," I said. "I just noticed that you two were fond of each other in 5th year." Andrew and Morgana had a fleeting childhood fling in 5th year, where they played at courtship, hiding behind bookshelves with each other, and sneaking glances, and such. Just a teenage romance.

"She and I broke up, obviously." Andrew said, twirling a lock of his blonde hair between his fingers. His eyes shifted nervously. "Over some dumb disagreement. I couldn't even tell you what it was about."

I could hear Sebastian and Natty sigh with frustration. It seemed that Andrew wasn't going to be much help.

"Oh. I would have thought a smart fellow like yourself would remember." I blinked mischievously, a maneuver that made me feel feminine and silly at the same time. Regardless, it was effective.

Andrew hated not being the biggest know-it-all at the table. He pressed his hand to his chin, pretending to think.

"Mmm, yes, now that you mention it, I do recall what happened." He said. "It was just so long ago, and mattered so little to me, it was hard to recall. See, I decided to cool off my romance with her, because I found out she was seeing another man."

I blinked. "Morgana was seeing someone at the same time that she was with you?" I was incredibly doubtful that Andrew was telling me the truth. Most likely, Morgana got bored with him, and he didn't want to admit it.

Andrew said, "She made it clear that if I told anyone, she'd spread a rumor that-" he stopped, cleared his throat, and continued in a lower voice. "She'd tell everyone that I enchant my shoes to make myself taller."

I stifled a laugh. That does sound like something Morgana would say- but I had a hard time believing that she would see two men at once, and not tell me. "Who was the other man?"

"I never found out," Andrew grumbled.

Andrew suddenly didn't seem like he was lying. I knew that Sebastian and Natty heard what he said as well, but I almost wished they hadn't. I didn't want to believe Morgana would do something like that.

"Thank you, Andrew." I tidied up the teacup and saucer before me. "If you think of anyone specifically who may have had an issue with Morgana, please let me know."

As I rose from my chair, Andrew had one last thing to say.

"I do know of someone you may want to look into," he said. "I was on prefect duty the night Morgana.... Passed. I saw someone out of bed who shouldn't have been."

That interested me greatly. "Who?"

Andrew sneered. "None other than Everett Clopton."

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