Chapter 33- Choice

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Prisma has to make her final choice between Sebastian and Ominis when Sebastian shows up the day of the wedding.


On the morning of the wedding, I threw up more times than I could count.

Kharis helped me do my hair and put on my dress while Sera made a nausea potion. I tried to tell her it was not nausea, but nerves that were squeezing my innards like a vice.

Kharis put pins into an intricate braided updo, poking my scalp and making me wince. Kharis muttered, "Oh, relax, would you? You look gorgeous."

I sourly replied, "Telling me to relax while you stab my head does not help me relax."

Sera came over and without warning, pressed a cold potion bottle to my lips. "Drink this."

I did as she said. The cold, yucky tasting brew ran down my throat and down to my empty stomach, which twisted once more, threatening to make me hurl. I pressed my hand to my mouth to keep it down.

"Time to take these off." Kharis plucked my glasses from my face.

My hands went to my eyes. "My glasses- I need my glasses, Kharis-"

"You seriously want to wear them?"

"I would very much like to be able to see on my wedding day," I complained. Without them, the entire room was just shapes and colors that glossed into each other. I couldn't even discern my sisters' facial features.

"Prisma, you look absolutely beautiful without your glasses. Ominis will be stunned."

"Did you forget that my fiance is blind? Just give me back my glasses, please, before I-"

Right on time, another wave of vomit-inducing nerves squeezed my stomach. I ran to the restroom, fumbling over the silky layers of my wedding dress.

While my head was in the toilet, I heard Kharis yell, "Don't you dare mess up your hair!"

"Please-" I panted, "-Just- just give me a moment alone..."

They did as I asked and left my room to assist Hilda with preparations at the church. When I was done washing out my mouth in the sink, I stumbled blindly back to the vanity mirror to find where Kharis left my glasses.

My hand found a blush compact, a mascara wand, and the cool handle of a hairbrush before it finally found the wiry silver frames of my glasses. Before I put them on, my attention was pulled to the window.

My blood turned to ice.

A blurry figure was climbing into the room from the open window.

A scream left my lips, and I scrambled for my wand. I had put my wand down somewhere before I put on my wedding gown- a stupid move. But how could I have anticipated that I would be attacked the morning of my wedding day?

"Get! Out!" I cried. I began hurling any object I could find; a box of tissues, a set of curlers, even some decorative pillows from the bed.

"It's me! Sebastian!"

I immediately ceased my throwing. The blurry figure came forward. "You're not wearing your glasses. Here."

As soon as the glasses were on my face the fog lifted. I saw that it was indeed Sebastian who had broken into the window in my room. He was wearing a black suit, his mouth smiling slightly, a little mischievous and amused. He had a smear of makeup powder on his sleeve from the compact I had thrown, and was very clearly damp from the rain outside.

I socked him in the arm. "What the fuck were you thinking?" I growled. "You scared me to death! And you're drenched!"

Sebastian clutched the spot where I had punched him, though I was certain it hadn't hurt him at all through all the layers of muscle he had. "I thought you were supposed to be smart. You didn't even lock your window."

A laugh erupted from each of us. I was genuinely happy to see him. I put my arms around his neck and pulled him into a hug. He wrapped his arms around my back, chuckling, and lifted me off the ground.

When our hug ended, he looked at me and said, "You smell like vomit."

"Because I've been sick all morning," I explained. "Weddings are worse than puffskein flu."

"Well, I'm certain Ominis is worrying himself sick right about now as well."

I crossed my arms. "What are you doing here, sneaking in through my window? I thought you weren't coming to the wedding."

Sebastian was certainly dressed like he was attending the wedding. He said, "I actually had a chat with Headmaster Black. He's been giving me dating advice and such, seeing as how my deadline for engagement is getting closer." He raised an eyebrow. "I asked him why it was that I haven't made a match yet. He said it was not my lack of money or status, nor has it been my traumatic past. Black has made me realize it's my selfishness holding me back. Even last year, with Anne, I was thinking of myself more than I was thinking of what was really best for her. And I'm afraid I've done the same with you. I've been so focused on securing myself a marriage match that I ended up treating you like a prize and not a person. So, Prisma, I've come to you today with a choice. If you wish, I will attend the wedding today and you'll not hear a single complaint from my lips. But," his eyes softened, "If you do not want to marry Ominis today, I will break you out of here right here and now."

I was speechless. I never thought I'd see the day when Sebastian admitted his faults. He had grown this year when I wasn't looking. And though I had feelings for him, without a doubt, I did- I couldn't leave with him. My feelings for Ominis were stronger.

I took a breath before I replied. "I care for you, Sebastian. So, so much. But- I also care about Ominis. He and I have been through so much together, and we've really bonded. I didn't expect it to happen, but it did. And you know better than anyone that getting close to Ominis is rare."

Sebastian nodded in agreement. "Can't say I'm surprised he took a liking to you. You are wonderful, after all."

"Then you must understand, Sebastian," I looked up at him with purpose. "Ominis does not have many people on his side. But he has me. And I'm not leaving."

I could see on his face that he understood and respected where I was coming from. "So that's that, then." I saw his shoulders rise and fall as he took an accepting breath. "You're really going to do it. You're really going to marry him."

"I'm sorry, Sebastian," I pursed my lips. "I wish that it could still be the three of us together. It doesn't feel right without you."

"I would be happy to be friends with him again, when he's ready to forgive me. It's not as though I hate him, like Duncan Hobhouse."

I paused.

"Duncan," I repeated. For some reason, Sebastian's casual mention of him jogged something in my mind. "Duncan hates Ominis."

Sebastian frowned a little, unsure why I was stuck on this. "Yes. They've disliked each other ever since first year. Ominis ends up locking horns with a lot of people, but he took a particular interest in tormenting Duncan. Admittedly, I found pranking Duncan hilarious, but for them it's definitely personal."

I began to head for the door. "I have to find Ominis. Right now."

ooooh, Prisma thinks she may know who the culprit is! Is she right about her gut feeling? Or does she need a little more evidence? And what will Ominis think about Sebastian showing up on the day of the wedding???? -kittyhawk

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