Chapter 4- Tea

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The astronomy tower study room was a good place to meet with Ominis; it was in plain view, yet more private than the Great Hall. A few other students milled about, playing wizard chess or studying. Meeting in a public place was important. Once you became a 6th year, meeting with a member of the opposite sex in private had serious implications. We wouldn't want anyone getting the wrong idea.

"Thank you for meeting me here," Ominis began, bowing slightly before taking a seat.

"Happy we could meet today," I replied politely, curtsying in return. I was wearing one of my new dresses for the first time. It was a shiny purple color, with pearly buttons at the cuffs. I adored wearing purple. When I was not in Ravenclaw blue, I dressed as colorfully as I possibly could; favoring deep hues like magenta, plum, or indigo, and light pastels such as lilac, pearl, and rose. Most everything went with my pale hair and gray eyes.

Ominis summoned a set of gorgeous tea cups, white with green ivy painted intricately all over, and a matching tea pot with a golden handle. A "G" was monogrammed onto the teapot lid. "How do you take your tea?" he asked.

"Milk and sugar, please." Impressively, Ominis made the perfect cup of tea by merely waving his hand. I sipped it gratefully, as I waited for him to speak first. I was afraid that if I said something not in his favor, he might bite my head off.

Ominis had matured over the summer. The sharpness of his features made him handsome in an unconventional way, and the long hair suited him. He had exchanged his knee socks and plaid knickers for long black pants tapered at the ankle. He wore a gray tailcoat with the Slytherin crest on the lapel. Silver rings adorned his fingers. Ominis came from money, that was easy to tell just by looking at him. In comparison, Sebastian had always looked a little tousled, or wind blown, like he had been thrown together every day by happenstance. I wondered what Sebastian would look like now, slightly older, and wearing a man's suit instead of a boy's uniform.


"What?" I snapped back to attention. "Oh. I'm sorry, Ominis. Did you say something?"

Ominis exhaled from his nose. "Figures, you're daydreaming as always."

I scrambled for something to say. "I was just wondering how you and Morgana met."

"Our families spent the summer together at the Gaunt Estate," he explained. "It seemed the Rosiers were considering making a marriage arrangement between our families."

I nodded. It made sense that the Rosiers and Gaunts would attempt to make a marriage arrangement. They were two of the most famous pureblood families in the entire wizarding world- and I was almost certain that they were already related by a degree or two.

"How fortunate that you two ended up liking each other so much. So very, very much." I remembered their display of affection yesterday. I never expected Ominis would put his hands on a woman like that. I was grateful he couldn't see me blush.

Ominis lowered his voice slightly. "If you are referencing what you saw yesterday, I want to make one thing clear. Morgana is a lady whom I respect. This is not for fun, or advantage. I intend to marry her."

I nodded. "Yes, yes of course." If Ominis did not intend to propose to Morgana, kissing and fondling her would ruin her reputation. If others knew that she may not be pure, no man would want to marry her. It was horrible, and sexist- for little to no repercussions fell upon the man- but that's how England was.

"Do you know when you will ask for her hand?" I asked.

Ominis paused. "I don't know. I suppose I'm waiting for something."

"The moment has to be right," I agreed.

"No, it's more like... it feels as though something is missing." Ominis touched a hand to his mouth. "Or someone."

It didn't take me long to figure out what he meant. I lowered my voice, and leaned slightly across the table, but not so far as to incur suspicion.

"I miss Sebastian too," I whispered.

Ominis's eyes hardened. There was pain there. "That doesn't change what he did. Because of his meddling in Dark Magic, both he and Anne have left."

I wanted to tell Ominis that the burden wasn't just on him, and that I was just as much to blame. I admired Ominis, and wanted him and I to be friends. Especially now that he's going to marry Morgana.

Ominis grumbled. "Now that Sebastian and Anne are gone I'm stuck with you."

I was offended at first, before seeing the corner of his mouth tug into a smile. Then I realized he was actually joking.

"Perhaps we could start a bad eyes club," he suggested.

I touched my glasses, as if my instinct. "I beg your pardon?"

"I know you're completely helpless without your glasses," he said. "Sebastian mentioned you dropped them once, fighting a troll."

"That's true," I confirmed. "Without glasses, everything's blurry. It's rather frightening."

Ominis raised a teacup. "Those of us in the castle with rubbish eyes ought to stick together, then."

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