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Raena and Rheya are abbreviated names of Dayraena and Meireya

~The Blood of Old Valyria ~
Chapter II


She was awakened by the dazzling rays of sunlight, streaming insistently through the curtains that concealed the passage to the balcony. The sun, already high, seemed to be exploring the room with its golden tentacles. Dayraena covered her eyes with her palm, trying to make out the towering figure above her.

"It's late," Meireya said, opening the curtains. "You've fallen asleep. You still have to pack for the journey to King's Landing."

Dayraena closed her eyes and turned her back to her sister, wrapping herself in the blanket. She did not want to leave her warm bed. She wished she could lay down for a little longer before she began her business, but apparently Meireya wouldn't let her. Dayraena felt the blanket begin to pull away from her, so she grabbed hold of it and pulled it back. But her arms were weak in her sleep, so Meireya managed to pull the blanket off her sister. Despite the five-year age difference, Daireyena and Meireya were close and understood each other. Ever since the birth of the younger Gelarion, there had been a strong bond between the sisters.

"Were you in the library again until morning?"

Dayraena mumbled something and Meireia took it as a positive answer. The girl was well aware of her sister's interests. She often caught the elder Gelarion reading scientific treatises and folios on magic at night. Raena thus wished to make up for the five years she had lost, and did so in the shortest possible time, sitting up late into the night and sometimes into the morning for books. The woman absorbed knowledge and practiced more and more spells. Valyrian magic was complicated. It required a great deal of control and power to use it. And Dayraena had that, which is why magic was much easier for her than for Dayra and her mother Viserra. In the Gelarion clan, only women used ancestral magic, while men perfected martial skills. Meireya had no interest in witchcraft, but liked to watch her sisters do it.

The younger Gelarion crouched on the edge of the bed and looked at Dayraena. The woman rubbed her eyes sleepily. Meireya was happy for her sister, for she had finally gained her long-awaited freedom from Dayraena's control. She and she could now communicate freely and spend as much time together as they pleased. When Dayron was healthy, he restricted their meetings because he thought Dayraena would run away, but from now on... From now on, Raena is free. Meireya knew about what her sister had done to her cousin. Knew about the curse and didn't blame Dayraena for anything. Dayron deserved that fate.

Raena finally cracked her eyes open and looked at Meireya. Her younger sister had bright blue eyes, unusual for a Gelarion, and hair the color of liquid silver with two strands of gold that reached her shoulders. Rhea had a rather frail build, but that did not prevent her from wielding a sword and dagger. Dayraena held out her hand. Her fingers froze an inch from her sister's face. The sunlit face of the girl was mesmerizing, her celestial eyes as if they glowed.

"My sweet sister..." the woman stretched her words thoughtfully. Mereya looked perplexed at Dayraena. "I'm so happy you're here"

Raena's warm palm finally touched her little sister's cheek. Meireya covered her eyes and pressed herself against her hand. The girl's neat lips spread into a kind smile. The tenderness on her sister's part made Meireya's heart beat faster. She loved Dayraena more than anyone else in the world. It was sisterly warm and innocent love.

"We will never be separated by Dayron. Never again," Meireya said softly, and snuggled against her sister's shoulder. "I've missed days like this, when everything is fine and you're happy."

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