Press Tours and Dinner

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The Captain America: Civil War cast are currently at Comic Con, doing a Q and A with their fans. Everyone is sitting down, Y/N is a few seats away from Lizzie. 

"Y/N, what was it like playing Robert's son?"

Y/N looks at Robert who is beside him.

"It was great, Robert was sweet to me on set and treated me like his own son. I definitely hope to do another movie with this amazing cast."

Robert claps Y/N's back as Tom smiles at him from the other side of the Danny Phantom actor. While a fan asks someone else a question, Y/N gets up from his seat walking to Lizzie before squatting beside her. 

"Hey, you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm good."

"Do you need anything?" 

"No, I'm okay thanks Y/N."

They smile at each other before he walks back to his seat. Scarlett smiles at the two of them. 

"Y/N can't stay away from Lizzie for a few minutes," Anthony teases. 

The crowd start to cheer as Y/N and Lizzie turn slightly red both looking down at the table. As the panel continues, Y/N is continuously checking in with Lizzie. Lizzie tries to get his attention while he is answering a question that was just asked. 

"Well I think it was a lot of fun to film with....yes Lizzie?"

She signals him over and he gets up walking to her quickly, kneeling beside her.

"Can you get me more water?"

"Of course."

He kisses her head making everyone scream as he runs backstage getting her a bottle of water. 

"Did he just walk off stage?"

Everyone laughs as Y/N runs back out with two bottles of water, handing them to Lizzie who smiles as he runs back to his seat.

"Thank you baby."

"Anything for my favourite lady."

Everyone screams as Y/N gets back to answering the question. 

A few days later, the two of them are at another panel with Paul and Jeremy. The host starts to introduce them.

"Our first guest ages like fine wine, yes it's Paul Rudd."

Everyone cheers as Paul walks out waving to everyone. 

"Next we have one of our OG Avengers, Jeremy Renner!"

Jeremy walks out to cheers as he waves to everyone before hugging Paul. 

"Next, she's beautiful and magical, she's one half of our favourite MCU couple - Elizabeth Olsen!"

Lizzie walks out to more cheers than the other two got as she waves smiling. 

"And last but not least, he's new to the MCU and the second half of our favourite MCU favourite couple, he can't stay away from Elizabeth it's Y/N L/N!"

More people scream as Y/N runs out waving and laughing before hugging Lizzie tightly which she returns. 



The two pull away, Y/N waving to the crowd again before hugging the two other guys. During the panel, Lizzie shivers a little which Y/N notices so he takes off his jacket wrapping it over her shoulders. 


She puts it on properly as he smiles softly at her which she returns. Y/N puts his arms around Lizzie's waist holding his mic in his right hand while his left rests against her stomach.

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