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She walked into the hall, her heels clicking everyone stays quiet as she entered his cabin. 
Slamming his desk and throwing the files in her hand on the desk  she raised her voice, 
Her bold voice echoed inside her dad's cabin as her eyes turned red due to anger.


Mr. Cha: Care to explain what have I done my dear daughter Eunha?"

Eunha: Oh c'mon Dad isn't it obvious, you trying to ruin my life by giving me off to Mr. Min just for the sake of the company, like why would you do that!?"

Mr. Cha: Eunha look this isn't about ruining your life, I know Mr. Min's son very well and you knew him in your childhood anyways. What's the big deal??

Eunha: You're making a fuss out of this dad, first you arrange a meeting with Mr. Min and then suddenly you announce to the media that I am getting married to Mr. Min's son. Why would you do anything like that Dad this is my life, I at least get to decide who I'm getting married to don't I???

Mr. Cha: CHA EUNHA DO NOT ARGUE WITH ME BECAUSE IT USELESS AND you have one month before getting engaged to Mr. Min's son and two months before you get married. All you have to do is meet up with his son. Give it a try, you haven't been in a relationship for almost 5 years, it's time to forget him Eunha. Try going on dates and meeting up with Mr. Min's son okay? 
I trust Min Yoongi, he would never hurt you alright? Just give him a try."

In her mind: I know you very well Dad you're just doing this for the sake of the company. but you're right I will give a try to this marriage."

<Author POV>

Let me tell you what's happening here, Mr. Cha is the founder of  The Cha Industries & is getting his daughter married to Mr. Min's son Min Yoongi. Mr. Min is also a well known business and a underground mafia. Min Yoongi inherited Min Enterprises 2 years ago and became the CEO of the company and has decided not to handle the underground mafia group.
Mr. Cha and Mr. Min, both the business men want to join hands to convert their friendship into business and relationship by getting their children married to each other. 
Before discussing their marriage with Eunha, Mr. Cha already announced  the engagement to the media. 
Cha Eunha is the founder of Eulia Cosmetics. She became the founder at the age of 20, along with her bestfriend PARK LIA.

(Dont ask me where I got the *eulia* name from ehehhehehe)

Park Lia and Eunha are very good and close friends from a very young age. They've been through highs and lows together. They experienced their first together and can to anything for each other.
AT THE SAME TIME, there's Min Yoongi and Kim Namjoon. They have the best bonding and have known each other for 13 years. They shared their hardships and achievements together.
Kim Namjoon is a very famous writer, a motivational speaker and the president of  The Cha Industries. 
Eunha & Yoongi have met each other, but when they were at their 20s at a business party and they never met each other. 

<Back to the present>

<Eunha POV>

Feeling exhausted  I came to a café to rest for a while, the past few days have been very hectic, I finally had time to rest and focus on myself. BUT I don't think god wants me to rest & relax a new problem has already waiting for me. While I was ordering things to eat, I heard  a man talking, "HOW CARELESS CAN YOU BE? IS THIS WHY YOU'RE GETTING PAID, GO CALL YOUR MANAGER " probably he did something very bad? 
I shrugged my shoulders, picked my food from the counter and  grabbed my seat with my best friend, Lia. 
We were have a lil chit-chat when the man from the argument earlier suddenly banged hi table, but now he wasn't alone, he had another man besides him who was also looked very petrified due to the incident caused by the staff.  I couldn't handle anymore, so I walked towards their table. 

<Min Yoongi POV> 
I was here in this café for some coffee with my friend, when the staff came to serve us our orders he spilt some NO i mean ALOT of the coffee on my documents. My anger took me in so i shouted at that staff. Even when the manager was called the staff member did not apologize instead was just arguing in return. My friend, Kim Namjoon, was very annoyed, so I let him speak but when the manager started arguing with Namjoon, I couldn't take any of it in. So I banged the table loudly... I saw a woman walking up to us, "What is wrong over here?" her bold voice sent shivers down my spine. I stayed quiet, I couldn't answer her.  She looked familiar.

<Author POV>

Eunha reaches out to the table where the argument was going on. She says, "What is wrong over here?",  The guy beside the one who banged the table answered, "This staff spilled coffee over our very important documents and instead of apologizing, he instead is arguing with us. Now even the manager is arguing instead of scolding their staff and blames it upon us."
I turned towards the staff member & said "Its just an apology, why don't you do that? More importantly its their documents, why do you have to make a fuss out of it? Apologize to them n clear their table. DO NOT MAKE THIS A BIGGER ARGUMENT" my voice roared in the café as I said the few words.
I looked at the man who basically looked like pissed of cat? WAIT! Isn't he MIN YOONGI!? WHT THE FU-"

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