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__Author POV__

Yoongi led the way to the huge lawn which had a huge white swing surrounded by lilies and sunflowers, there was a small coffee table in front of the swing followed by two chairs on each side.
They faced each other. They had cold, unanswered expressions that spoke a lot. Even though they tried their best to show their happy faces outside, in front of the elders, they knew that what was happening wasn't something they thought would happen.
Two minutes passed, their eyes were on each other, they were staring at each other, their eyes spoke unspoken words, it expressed their feelings, and they knew that these eyes were holding back each other's words. Eunha tore away the staring competition which wasn't really a competition but a way to understand those feelings. 
The tension was weird, though they were going to be tied to a bond which supposed to be meant forever, they knew they had a past which they need to clear. 
"We are going to get married, u know that right?" She spoke, her eyes anywhere else but not at the other pair of eyes.
"Yeah, but do we really want this to happen?" he asked. "Do we?" she asked back. "I want to know your reasons  to saying yes to this marriage Eunha." 
__Eunha POV__
"I want to know your reasons to saying yes to this marriage Eunha." He said, a hint of coldness in his voice which was clearly shown. The way he said my name was attractive. Oh I wish I could hear this everyday.
"I'm forced, I know this marriage is never going to work out but I want to give it a try" I replied. 
"Is that the only reason?" "Yeah, moreover we have time before the engagement and the marriage right? I hope we work this out?" "Hm, c'mon lets go back." 

We headed back to the dining room and took our places. We told the elders seated that we want to give this marriage a chance. They were happy to hear this news. My dad then told us that we will be going to different dates this month before the engagement.
At last when we were done with the dinner and the discussion, we decided to head back to our home. 
"Hope to see you again my lovely daughter" said his mother after kissing my forehead.
 I glanced over Min Yoongi one last time, and we all headed back to our home. 

This was surely the weirdest day.

_time skip 1 week later_

After that night nothing really happened between our families.
Yesterday, before I headed to sleep my mom informed me that I'll be having my first date with Min Yoongi tdy. 
I woke up to my usual time, had shower, and when I was about to make my lovely toast, my mom spoke "Eunha why are you eating? You have a breakfast date with Yoongi, And why aren't you still dressed up? Oh my god Eunha go get dressed up fast, we were told he would come here in an hour." UGH damn you Min Yoongi... You ruined my morning.

I wore a simple brown knee length dress with sneakers

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I wore a simple brown knee length dress with sneakers. My hair hung in a high pony with slight makeup. Wait, not like I wanna impress him or something but I wanted to look good. 

I heard my mom calling my name telling me that Yoongi is waiting for me outside.
I ran downstairs and kissed my mom's forehead while she gave a lil thumbs up indicating "good luck"


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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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