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____Eunha POV____

I realized it was him, Min Yoongi, he probably did not realize who I was, should I tell him?
Nah it's fine imma just go back to my place its the best if he doesn't notice me, Yes.
I was about to leave their table but then, "Miss Cha??"
A voice stopped me, oh shit. I turned around and faced him, it was the guy beside Yoongi, wait I know him too, Namjoon, the president of our company.  No way.
"What're you doing here Miss Cha?" "Oh, well I am done with my work for tonight, so I came here with my friend." "Oh well, this is Min Yoongi, my best friend I guess you should know him by now, based on the incidents at your home now."
Well shit that caught me. "Yes, I do know him, pretty much by now I guess?"

"Oh well Yoongi, did you recognize her??" Namjoon asked Yoongi, and he replied " Well, uh- no?" I couldn't believe it, our marriage was announced and this dude doesn't recognize ME!? I can't just stand there. I would be lying if I said he did not look too fine, his face looked so alluring I couldn't stop staring at him, bringing up my hand in front  of him I introduced myself, "Hey, I'm Cha Eunha, founder of xxx Cosmetics."

_____MYG POV_____

Oh goodness, how dumb can I be? I couldn't recognize Eunha. Oh shit, I left her hand hanging. I shrugged my shoulders and introduce myself to her, "Hello, I'm Min Yoongi, CEO of Min enterprises. Well nice to meet you Eunha." "Well I need to go now, nice meeting you Yoongi and Namjoon. I'll take my Leave now, Bye." 

She waved her hand and left. She looked- gorgeous, she was very elegantly beautiful, I would be lying if I said I wasn't  mesmerized by her beauty. She had a very classy & professional attire, man she looked just- perfect. But this didn't look like me. What, I'm not supposed to do this, I shouldn't fall for her.
I looked at Namjoon, my best buddy. How did he know Eunha? "Namjoon, How do you know Eunha?" "Oh, you didn't know? I work in her dad's company, I am the president of their company." "OH! I didn't know." "Well you're gonna get engaged to her very soon, you should know." There he goes.

I was about to respond to Namjoon but then suddenly I  got a call from my eomma, I pick it up, "Hello-""Yoongi look I want you home early for dinner we have very important guest coming home, I am about to send you the address of a flower  boutique, I have placed an order of a bouquet, pick those for me while coming back home please." "Alright ma, anything else?" "No, just come home on time alright?" "Fine I will" "Bye son" "Bye ma."
I hung up, who's this "important guest" for whom mom is preparing so much?

___Eunha POV___

While I came out of the café I got a call from my brother Jeehoon.

Je: "Hey Sissy"
Eunha: "What do you want Jeehoon ?"
Je: "Your card" 
Eunha: "What!?"
Eunha: "Stop shouting dude, why do you want me to come home quick? Did you burn the kitchen?"
Je: "Nah just come home quick, we'll be going somewhere for dinner"
Eunha: "Where??"
Je: "IDK that you just come home quick mom wants you home by the next hour okay?"
Eunha:  "Fine fine, I'll be there

I quickly head to my car and drive to my office to collect some important files, then drive back home. 
I entered the house and see my dad sitting on the couch while doing something in his phone, Jeehoon looked at me and says "hey sissy" I ignore him and go to the kitchen to my mom who was gift wrapping some thing?
"What's this? " I asked mom, "its a gift dear as you can see" "But for who?" "For your in laws" I choke on air, "We're going to their house for dinner tonight go wear something nice and elegant" "I will wear something good but why are we going to Mr. Min's house!?" "Because we have to decide stuff about your engagement" "UGH fine I'm going to my room bye" "dress nice, please don't wear your office suits again" she shouted "K MA"

I run up to my room wash myself up and start doing some light makeup. While doing my make-up, I started remembering the past events from today. He was right in front of me looking all handsome, I felt different when I looked into his eyes, like I found something that i lost a long time ago. It felt like I wanted to drown in his eyes. But I wasn't supposed to feel like this. I want to give a chance to this marriage but Idk if he wanted to, We don't know each other, how will I live with him, But then i recalled appa's words, I still have a month before we get engaged to each other and then 2 months before getting married. I have time. I want to give this a chance and I will not let my past get a hold of me. Y E S 

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