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This is what i wore for the dinner, I did not want to look extra by wearing party clothes i guess? So this is what I wore

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This is what i wore for the dinner, I did not want to look extra by wearing party clothes i guess? So this is what I wore.

This is what i wore for the dinner, I did not want to look extra by wearing party clothes i guess? So this is what I wore

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my make up~

my make up~

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The Hair~

I went down to see my parents and brother all dressed up. 
My mom comes to me and says "Awh look at you my daughter you look so beautiful."  I gave her a little smile.  
"lets go? shall we? " My dad says, and then we drive to the Min Mansion.

Time skip~

We reached the Min Mansion and i got down from the car, I looked around an saw guards and a car. The mansion was surely big n luxurious,
it was a better mansion than ours..

The guards at the main door welcomed us as we were invited
inside by a middle aged lady which I supposed is Mrs. Min, she looked so kind. 

"Awhhh look at you both Cha siblings, You guys have grown into such mature kids." she praised us while side hugging my mom. "Thank you aunty" Jeehoon replied. I gave her a soft smile when she came near me, "look at you my Eunha, You look so beautiful daughter, I'm so happy to finally have you as my daughter in law." she said as she caressed my head. All i did was just give her a small smile. "Hello Jeehoon and Eunha. How are you both, Its been a while since I met you Eunha." Mr. Min spoke after greeting my father. My father standing there with a pure smile on his face, I felt that I had to accept the marriage in front of the Mins officially just to see my parents happy. 
"I am doing well uncle and aunty, How's your health have your attacks been reduced?" I asked with a lil concern. "Yes my dear we both are great our son has been taking great care of us. Now you will be there to care for us too." 
Oh- I just gave them a small smile. 
"Well Yoongi will be here in a while, why don't you all have a seat in the dining room?" 
Before we could move towards the dining room-
"Hey ma I'm home with your flowers " A deep voice came behind me. I turned around to see Min Yoongi?

__Author POV__

"Hey ma I'm home with your flowers "  Yoongi announced not realizing that there were guests waiting for him. He looked up and saw a feminine figure back facing him. 
"I supposed that is Yoongi" Mrs. Min said while she came towards me. 

__Yoongi POV__

I looked at everybody present there. As soon as i saw them i greeted them and bowed. While Mr. Cha was chatting with me I glanced at Eunha. I was shocked that Cha Family was going to be the "spEciAl gUesT" at our house tonight. 
I still had the flower Bouquet in my hand. So whispering I asked my mom, "ma, where do I keep these flowers??" "ohh Go give them to Eunha." COUGHS-
"WHAT" I whispered yelled at her. "Yea go give it to her quick." UGHHH MOM!
I glanced at Eunha.
She was sitting next to a guy which I suppose was her brother in the dining room. So while anyone noticing, I secretly went towards her.
"H-Hey" she gave me a smile "Hello Mr. Min" "You don't need to be so formal towards me, call me Yoongi." "well hey then Yoongi." she replied while glancing at the bouquet in my hand. "oh! flowers for the lady." I tried my best not to make it awkward. She smiled at me and accepted the flowers. "thanks"

"WELL... Since we all have gathered here for a reason lets discuss about that first." My mom stated.  " My son has been single these years, and its really hard to see my son handling the business all alone. working so much at this age without taking proper care So we thought of marrying him off so we don't have to worry about his marriage when me and my wife get old." my dad chuckled before continuing,
"And the best choice for a daughter in law and a wife for our son would obviously be someone very mature and successful. When I asked my wife if she had any girl in her mind she immediately gave me the best name, Eunha, Cha Eunha.
My beloved friend's daughter. We have been friends since long and I would like to change this friendship to relationship."
I glanced at Eunha, she kept her head hung low. Looking over at her father who stood up and said,
"Before agreeing to this engagement and the wedding
I really want my Eunha and Yoongi to talk alone separately,
so they can discuss about their marriage and accept it whole heartedly." 

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