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The light flickered. Silence. The big room seemed empty. Not a sound could be heard. Nothing moved. Nothing apart from the shadow bowed over a large desk.

The man was lost deep in his work. Nothing mattered more to him and he was close. Close to his goal. So close he could feel his heart racing.

Knock. Knock.

Someone was at the door.The man reluctantly stood up and went to the door. He was angry. Frustrated.

Who dared disturb him? Who dared slow him down when he was so close to his goal?

He furiously opened the door. All his anger and frustration swept away . A wicked smile slowly formed on his face.

He stepped back and two huge man entered. They each had a bulky rucksack thrown on their shoulders.

The man was excited. He could barely wait for them to put their loads on the hard ground.

One of the newcomers opened his sack.

"Come out!" He shouted and pulled something out of the sack.

A little girl of about five slowly came out. Hands and legs tied. Fear could be read on her face. Her brown curls were a mess. She had been crying but she stared furiously at the three men around her.

He leaned over to the girl and whispered.

"Hello little one. I'm your new master from now on. " He menaced.

His voice was cruel. He didn't feel anything. His heart was hard as a rock. Apart from his project nothing mattered to him.

Next appeared another little girl .

She was not crying. Golden eyes stared at the man. Piercing through him. Blood dripped from her forehead. Three other girls appeared after her.

He knew them all. He knew everything about each one of them . Their names, ages, illnesses. He knew they would be perfect for his project. He studied them since they were born. And now finally, finally he could have them. His dream was coming true.

His perfect creatures of the darkness will soon come to life. Nobody believed in him. His fellow colleagues. His parents. All thought he was crazy. But he was not. And soon he'll prove it. When the right time comes he will prove them all wrong. But by then, it will be too late.

His girls will bring desolation and chaos wherever they go. Killing whoever comes in his way!

I initially published this book and then decided to take it off to change part of it "to make it better". I read the chapters over and over again but I couldn't bring myself to change a word in it.  I remembered why and when I started writing this book. Despite not being totally about me, I wrote this book at a dark time in my life and this was the way I coped. By writing. This might explain why this book has a "dark background" (Mostly the first chapters). Even though it's by far not one of the best book around, it is somehow part of me. Part of my past. And I realized I didn't want to change any of it.

Anyways, I decided to publish them again without any editing. So here it is...Untamed.

I'm not a good writer, hell I'm nowhere near . This book will contain mistake so bear with me please.

Stay tuned, I'll try to upload more often - I promise I will try harder this time :P If you like the story don't forget to vote. Any comments, advice or critiques are most welcome.

Until next time,


UNTAMEDWhere stories live. Discover now