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"Beng, what's going on with you?" Tommy asks.

He'd never seen his sister this jittery except when she was going through withdrawals, and he was certain she wasn't taking again, so he wasn't sure exactly what the issue was, but he knew there was an issue.

Someone accidentally bumped into her in the pub, she flinched. Someone accidentally brushed by her in the betting shop, she flinched. Someone accidentally takes her by surprise, she looks as though she's about to have a panic attack.

"Not much, what's going on with you?" Florence responds.

"Flo, it's me, you can talk to me," Tommy sighs, "I'm worried about you."

"Why on earth would you be worried? I'm doing great. I have a loving boyfriend, a loving family, a decent income, not much to complain about is there?" Florence replies.

"I didn't say it'd be a complaint," Tommy says, "I know there's something on your mind, Flo, something that's concerning you."

"It's nothing you can help with," Florence shrugs.

"You don't know that," Tommy replies.

"I know you want to help, Tom, and I appreciate that, but this is not something you can fix, it's not that easy," Florence sighs.

"Are you in trouble?" Tommy asks.

"No," Florence shakes her head, "you just can't fix or correct whatever goes on in some people's mind."

"You flinch when people come near you," Tommy states, "is it what's on their minds you worry about?"

Tommy lights a cigarette, "you've been like this ever since Malachi got in that fight a couple weeks ago. I'm guessing the fight was about you, he's told you what it was about and that is what you're acting strange about. Flinching... well that can only mean a couple of things. You're worried people are going to hurt you in one way or another."

"If you weren't a criminal, you'd make a really good detective," Florence mumbles, "nice deciphering."

"Nobody can hurt you, Flo," Tommy says, "nobody will ever get near enough to have the chance. I won't let them. Mal won't. Nor will Arthur, John, Polly, even fucking Finn wouldn't let them. You're more protected than words can even explain."

"It just... it doesn't always feel like that," Florence replies, "and people being afraid of you shouldn't be the reason I should feel safe. They just shouldn't want to do things to me in the first place."

"I get that, I do," Tommy nods, "but it's also idealistic, there's always going to be sick people out there, Flo. What's more realistic is a gang full of people ready and willing to hunt anyone down that wants to cause you harm."

"What about the people that don't have that? It's not just me these sick people will go after," Florence says, "it's anyone they perceive to be weak."

"You're not weak, Florence, let's get that straight," Tommy replies, taking a drag from his cigarette, "we can't help everyone, but if we notice it happening, of course we'd step in. We're gangsters, not monsters."


Everyone was gathered at the Garrison for Johns birthday. Esmé had got the same band that her aunt had booked for their wedding. John was already exceedingly drunk, dancing with Katie, who was laughing joyfully at her fathers antics.

"Auntie Flo," Jeremy - Johns eldest son - smiles, offering his hand, "hope you don't mind, Uncle Mal."

"Course I don't, take good care of her," Malachi chuckles.

"Always," Jeremy grins, as Florence stands from her seat, allowing her nephew to pull her towards what had been made into a dance floor for the evening.

"I'm not tall enough to twirl you yet," Jeremy frowns, "I will be one day. I'll grow big and strong, just you wait, auntie Flo."

"Oh I'm sure you will," Florence smiles, "just keep eating your vegetables."

"Vegetables are yucky," Jeremy scoffs.

"But they're what make you big and strong," Florence responds, "surely that will make it worth it."

"If you say so," Jeremy shrugs, "but for now, you'll have to twirl me."

"Don't act like you don't enjoy twirling," Florence teases.


"I hope you don't mind if I cut in," Malachi says, clearing his throat as he approaches Florence and Jeremy.

"She's all yours," Jeremy says, handing Florence's hand to Malachi, who had a small smirk on his face, waiting until the boy was out of earshot, before leaning down to whisper in Florence's ear, "all mine, eh?"

"Don't act like it's new information," Florence replies, resting her hands on his shoulders.

"Perhaps not, doesn't mean that I don't thoroughly enjoy hearing it," Mal laughs, holding her close, placing a kiss to the crown of her head when she rests against his chest, "you look beautiful, love."

"Oh, shut up," Florence mumbles, her cheeks flushing a bright red.

"About you? Never," Malachi responds, laughing as he lifts her up, spinning them around around, "Mal! Stop!" Florence insists, unable to stop herself from squealing.

"Alright, alright," Mal says, a playful glint in his eye.

"You're in the mood to cause chaos, aren't you?" Florence laughs, as he bows, lifting her hand, pressing a kiss to her knuckles, "me? Chaos? Never."

"You're a really bad thief," Florence states, noticing he'd taken a ring from her hand.

"Am not," Malachi smirks, "stole your heart, didn't I?"

Florence looks at him unamused, "that was so unbelievably corny."

"I prefer to think of myself as a poet," Malachi hums, slipping her ring onto his finger, "don't you dare try telling me this ring doesn't suit me."

"Get a manicure and you might just have prettier hands than I do," Florence smiles.

"I'll take your word for it," Malachi replies.

"I think a dark red would pair well with your skin tone," Florence says.

"Oh no," Malachi groans, as Florence grins, "oh yes, when we get home, those fingers are mine."

"Disgusting," Arthur says, walking by, now looking extremely disturbed.

Malachi can't stop himself from laughing as Florence tries to explain to her eldest brother what they were talking about, but Arthur just covers his ears, and continues to walk away.

"This is mortifying," Florence says.

"You weren't exactly lying," Malachi winks.

"Not helping," Florence replies.

"Do you want your ring back?" Malachi asks.

"Yes, please," Florence says, and he shrugs, "come get it then."

He wiggles his fingers in front of her before blending into a crowd heading to the bar, Florence chasing after him, "Malachi, get back here."

"Mmm," Malachi hums, "will I get a reward?"

"Give it back and you'll find out," Florence whispers, wrapping her hand around his tie, tugging him closer to her, before using her grip to pull him down so she could press her lips to his, as she removes the ring from his finger.

"Just couldn't wait," Arthur grumbles.

"You have the worst timing, Arthur," Florence says.

"Or you two could keep his hands to himself in public places," Arthur remarks.

"We weren't-" Florence sighs, glancing back at Malachi, "there's no point in trying to explain this to him, is there?"

"I don't think so," Malachi shakes his head.

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