───Part 10.

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Eventually life came crashing back in between Rhys and you in the form of another phone call - one Rhys actually answered. One of his friends, Simon, had apparently been killed during the after party of his show. You weren't exactly sure what to do when Rhys shared the news with you.

The few fleeting interactions you had with Simon at Sundry House hadn't left a good impression of him, at all, but he was Rhys's friend. Some part of Simon, at some point, must've been worth Rhys sticking around for, so all you could do in the moment he told you was tentatively grab his hand and tell him that you were sorry for his loss.

It warmed Rhys's heart that you genuinely meant it, and playing into the appearance of a man mourning his old friend, Rhys managed to convince you to stick by his side when meeting with his friends to discuss the event. You really, really, really wanted to say no, and you did protest quite a bit, but with the puppy eyes he was giving you, you caved.

Changing into something more appropriate, you followed him back to his place so he could do the same, surprise written across you when he draped one of his sweaters over your head. He told you it was because you looked cold, and didn't want to risk you freezing as the weather was expected to drop throughout the day, but really he just wanted to let them all know that you were his right away. A little sign placed on you to keep their hands off you.

The same woman as last time drove the both of you to the dreadful gathering, your nerves through the roof, but not because you were anxious to be around his friends. Who they were didn't matter to you, it was the implication that the two of you were steady enough to be meeting each other's 'loved' ones that sent you reeling. It was a commitment you definitely weren't ready for, your mind telling you to run for the hills. To disappear without a trace.

So much for taking things slowly.

Then again, he couldn't have anticipated one of his friends suddenly passing away, so you supposed it was fine to make an exception.

Arriving at what Rhys informed you was Lady Phoebe's boudoir, you were met with odd stares from all the people you loathed serving at Sundry House for. The only one you thought to be moderately tolerable and seemed genuinely kind was Phoebe herself, who sat between Blessing and Adam looking distraught (unlike everyone around her).

"Rhys!" She jumped up, pulling him into a long hug. "I'm so glad you're here. How have you been holding up?"

He answered her in quick short sentences that seemed just a tad too rehearsed to you, but was accepted without thought by her.

"Didn't realize we were bringing Maggot's along." Gemma 'whispered' loudly to Blessing, gesturing to you, a grating laugh following from them both right after. Rhys narrowed his eyes at them, jaw locking in place (if he could, he'd kill them both right then and there - at least he knew who his next target was now), Phoebe sending them a disappointed look.

"Oh don't listen to them," She spoke, casting a glance between Rhys on you, lingering on your intertwined hands and the sweater. "But, do introduce us to your friend, Rhys."

Not exactly fond of being talked about as if you weren't there, you took the chance to introduce yourself, earning scrutiny from Roald and Adam as they tried to place your face and name. You desperately hoped they didn't.

I will possess your heart - Rhys Montrose X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now