───Part 16.

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AN: I kinda changed it a bit bc the more i thought about this part the more i hated it, and  i'm still not happy w the way its now :') buuuut i like it wayyyy more than before so eh good enough for me

For as long as you could remember you always kept your phone close to you, checking it frequently outside of work and always triple checking that you had it on you when you left your apartment to make sure that if Amanda, or Lucille, needed you, you'd be able to reply as soon as possible. Today, however, you'd all but forgotten about it.

The two of you had returned to his place (he'd tried to take you to a doctor, but you refused to yield and forced him to accept defeat on this matter) skipping the after 'party' his friends were holding in Sundry House.

Taking off the jewelry and placing it back in their boxes, you sat on Rhys's bed whilst he finished off an important phone call in the other room. Not wanting to bother with changing, you simply placed the other items back in your bag and fell backwards with your arms above your head, waiting for him. You were tempted to go check on him, but you didn't want to risk interrupting his conversation. He hadn't explicitly told you to leave him to it, but you assumed as much considering he is such a prominent public figure.

Seriously, how on earth did he manage to put up with all the hassle? Being his shadow in the spotlight for only a few hours had you drained, and you couldn't imagine how he was fine with always being in it. But you supposed it made sense - someone like Rhys could never escape it even if they wanted to, and would, inevitably, grow used to it.

"Sorry about that, love." Rhys walked in, and you sat up properly, slowly raking your eyes over his appearance (you'd never tire of it). His suit jacket had been discarded, irritation dancing across his (immaculate) features as he loosened his tie and made his way to you - a simple action that shouldn't be as hot as it was.

"Everything alright?" He stood before you now, hand running through his hair.

"Yeah, just a bit stressed is all."

An idea popped into your head, one that had swirled around for a while now, and had been particularly strong today. You weren't sure whether it was appropriate or not, given the timing, but the desire was too strong for you to resist. Leaning forward, you tenderly intertwined your hand with his and brought it to your lips. Rhys came closer, legs nearly touching your knees, and your other hand drew patterns on the side of his thigh. Throwing out a line to see if he takes the bait, you glanced up at him through your eyelashes with a sultry smile and spoke.

"I can think of a few ways to help you with that, if you want."

Rhys's heart skipped a beat, ardor rushed through him at the implication - he'd been waiting for you to initiate this for what felt like forever, daydreaming about mapping the greatness of your creation to the full extent, an insatiable hunger awakening in him. Fingers holding your chin tight, he whispered a small 'nothing would make me happier, love' before your lips danced together, his oxygen sitting on your tongue, sweet and addicting like the rest of him. 

Agave's bloomed in his trachea, syrup sticking to your gums as he pushed you gently against the mattress (a cotton candy cloud, embracing you with open arms). He was on top of you quickly, your knees spread apart so he could press himself against you fully, combined hands holding tight next to your head, and fingertips exploring the landscape of your body - you wondered how you'd managed to survive so long without his warmth. His tie was cast aside, and it might as well have been wrapped around your wrists and bound you to him as you wished to never touch anyone else but him and you continued to remove his shirt, unveiling a field of red irises blooming across his toned chest that you couldn't tear your eyes from.

I will possess your heart - Rhys Montrose X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now