35 || Trick & Treat

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Trigger Warning: Attempted Rape, Drugs, and Use of Alcohol! Read at your own Risk!


Standing in the middle of my bedroom, I struggle to zip the back zipper of my costume. The latex texture on the outside and fuzziness on the inside is still a difficulty of getting on properly. I whine, my arms barely able to stretch so far out. My arms pulling up give out and flop to my sides. Switching from something else, I go to the tiny corset in the front, and I individual hook the clasps together, the tight squeeze makes me take a deep breath.

About 20 minutes ago, Harry was supposed to be here, but he isn't. I keep peeping outside the window that views from my bedroom window to stare at the cemented driveway. It's dark outside, the moon isn't even close to a full shape.

Giving up precisely, I walk to my bathroom and into my closet. I grab my matching heels, easily slipping those on my feet. On my bathroom counter I've lined up my red lipstick, cat mask that will cover my face, and a decorative whip to keep the boys away. I first apply the makeup, a bright, deep red is applied to my top and bottom lip. Then I stare at myself (my hair more likely), it's straightened to add more length, but as I admire more and more and more I feel impulsive. Without thinking I pull open my top drawer and grab the scissors.

Inhaling. I take individual sections to put my hair into two ponytails. Crossing my fingers for a some-what even length, I take the sharp blade and start to cut slightly above the hair tie. It smoothly glides and cuts evenly from this angle. I do the same to the other side, this one a bit shorter, but when I take them out, shaking my head, puffing up my roots, it doesn't look too bad.

I slide the chopped hair on the counter into my hands and throw it in the trash bin next to the toilet. The rest of the pieces are piled together on the floor, so I grab my broom that I keep stored up here and start to clean the mess.

By the time I'm finished I here a car door slam—Harry's here; my husband. I apply the cat mask on my face, being careful about not smudging my lipstick. I grab the whip, switch the bathroom and bedroom light off, and rush downstairs, to someone who is pounding on the door.

"Wait a damn minute!" I shout, unlocking the front door, to find adorable Harry Styles, dressed as my Batman, "well don't you look fabulous," I sigh, crossing my arms over my chest. He smiles, blushing from my compliment.

A black Batman printed jumpsuit (abs and everything), a long, black silk cape, that will blow with the wind, and a rubber Batman mask to add it all together, his eyes and nose peaking through. He looks very happy to begin with, but also in awe of how we compliment each other every well.

I love the idea of matching now that we're married, which nobody knows. Yet.

It's been a more than a month since we were in Vegas having the time of our lives. We've had a few get-together's with all the friends but overall I've been enjoying my time with my mom, and getting used to the ice again.

Last week my mom was able to go to work and I went skating for the first time in a long time. It felt amazing to get back on. Zayn was cooperative, too.

"You look amazing." Harry replied, stepping into the hallway. I smooth out my costume, "do you mind actually zipping the rest of it?" I wonder, "I can't really reach." I admit.

He nods, "I'd gladly do it, Love Dove," his fingers gesture for me to twist around so he can pull the zipper of its minimum stop. "There you go!" He claps his fingers together, the loud bang echoing in the room.

"Let's go," I mumble, grabbing my purse from the hanger, and turning off the lights. Rushing Harry out the door, I remember I have to lock the door. Once that's finished, I turn around, my heels clicking, and I open the door of his car. He pulls out of the driveway and we ride over to Zoe's house.

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