36 || Lilo & Stitch

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Hello, everyone! Because of my absence, I thought I would give you guys a surprise.

Triple Update! Please read this chapter first (Chapter 36), then Chapter 37, and finish off with Chapter 38!

Trigger Warning: Small Smut Scene! Read at your own Risk!
( sorry for the small chapter )


Working my way back through the original order of rolling out of bed early in morning and getting dressed for skating, I have made it to the ice arena, partnerless.

Annoyingly enough, Zayn has been late the past week and it's gone over to the point where I do not want to be around him anymore, but that is not my decision to make, it is my father's and he likes Zayn.

A week has passed and so has Halloween.

I updated Louis on Milo, he was not very happy and was already tracking on him. The name Milo was not very helpful to finding him, but I did give a very detailed description of the terrible man. Louis is the brains between Felix and me, which none that I've conquered to achieve because I know he is determined to find someone, especially if they have hurt their best friend.

Tightening my skates, Zayn walks up and sits down next to me, "where were you this morning?!" I muttered irritated, crossing my arms over my chest. He rolls his eyes, slipping his feet inside his own skates, "I'm here, aren't I?" He comments, standing up and walking off towards the rink.

"So!" I huff, "we could have started warm-up a half an hour ago," rushing to walk right beside him, "but since you decided to come late, we are starting late."

He shakes his head, gliding on the fresh ice, "stop talking, Eulalia." He shushes me, skating faster than me, swirling into a figure-eight shape around the entire rink.

I decide to drop it because he doesn't care about the situation. I ride around irritated and do our normal warm-up routine.

Through practice, my father makes us go through what we've learned, but it's a complicated process because I'm just not in the right mindset. After the fifth round of riding in our routine, I scream in anger, my body laying down on the cool ice.

"Jesus—get up," Zayn mutters, holding his hand out. I decline his hand, getting up on my own, "I can get up fine on my own, but thank you." I skate away and off the floor.

"What's your problem here?" My dad wonders, "because it's wasting our time and I don't need this attitude anymore. Hate to say it, Rue, but you've been off on everything. There's something you are not telling me and it's ruining your flow on the ice."

I sit down, leaning my elbows on my knees, taking my skates off, "you don't know what you are talking about, I am just fine." I grab my water bottle on the floor, taking a long sip of liquid, the taste refreshing my body, "fine, don't talk to me, but just so you know you're ruining my time and if you aren't committed to this anymore because you're distracted, I won't hesitate to drop you and find someone else."

"Wow—"I click my tongue, getting up to stand on my feet, "you know exactly what's distracting me because you were there," I tapped his chest, "mother was robbed and got hit in the damn head, if you were in that situation I would be in the exact same mindset, so do not put the blame on me and how I feel. To be honest, you should be caring more about your ex-wife than some little sport, she still was your first love. Family is more important, Dad, and you should know that."

I grab my things, walking away, a gloss building in my eyes.

Outside, Harry is standing by my car. I whip my tears from underneath and fake a smile, "Harry, what is this?" I stare at the bouquet of pink tulips. He hands them over. Worry shadows his eyes and he pulls me into a tight hug, "I got them for you, are you alright?" He murmurs into my ear. I nod along his shoulder, squeezing his shirt with my free hand.

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