Chapter 27

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One second Tyler is being nice and sorry and the next he is screaming at me.

"I have no time for your little games let's go and this time I'm not asking you .I don't care if you feel violated by me coming in here nor do I care about other people so let's go" he shouts his voice loud enough for the other customers to hear him .He then grabs my hand harshly and leads me out the door. I wonder how he went from being gentle and soft to being so hot headed with me. And this is the being moody I was talking about.

"Wait what's going on Tyler, you are hurting me let go of me! No let go of me, I don't want to leave with you!

I don't want to..He leans Into my ear and aggressively whispers "shut up, shut the fuck up .We are going out there right now so you better stop with all the dramatization .You better act normal out there and I'm not asking you I'm telling you .As we go out into the public his hold becomes softer and we walk and I act like nothing is wrong .Everyone is sitting doing their own thing looking really happy and carefree and I envy their happiness. If only I wouldn't have come to this trip ,I would probably be happy right now. Even if, I would be alone it would be much better. I feel tears run down my face, I don't even bother to wipe them off my face.

Reaching the parking lot, he lets go of me roughly and tells me to get in the car. I begin to cry even more. You think I'm some kind of monster or that I'll hurt you. Well you're not wrong would have already , you're lucky that, I LOVE YOU .I love you so much that I can't control myself with you. You make me so mad that I want to get my belt and hit you with it but at the same time I just want to fucking make love to you .

"Tyler, I'm sorry fghgggggm please I don't want too. I Let out incoherent words wiping the tears from my eyes.

"I know that you have been having speculations about me or that you don't trust me so this is the only way. "How could I be suspecting you that doesn't make sense .Why would I even be suspecting you. Hoping that I sound a bit believable, I pray that he buys into my lie . "Oh cut the bullshit, I know everything, I see it all. No , matter how much you try to hide it, it's all written all over you face ,your body language and even your speech. And to be honest I am tired of all the pretending to be sweet ,sweet Tyler your best friend that you've known for like 2 months .By the way you are so gullible , who would've known that it would be this easy .All it took is for me to be a little nice to you be there for you .You truly are really pathetic no life no friends ,I wouldn't be surprised if your family ran away from you too .You know these are all the things I've been keeping in ,there has been so many instances when I wanted to let it all out .The only reason why I've been like this is because at the end of the day you have to do what you have to get by . What does he mean by that, I ask myself. "And thanks for the fuck , god knows I was in need of it it's been a while and I didn't you would that easy .Honestly I didn't' think you had it in you to be that cheap, I didn't have to say much to you and there you were ready to get into it . "Stop it , just stop saying stuff like that ,I don't want to hear any of it. And I want to go back or I swear my parents and people I love will come looking for you. They will realize that I'm missing and they will start looking for you .Trust me you will not get away with this .

"Oh poor girl , I think you are forgetting that I am Tyler your best friend in which you confide me in everything. I know all about your sad little life don't you remember ,how you'd tell of how lonely you are and how one loves you not even your parents . He laughs and mutters something under his breath .

"No that's not what I said" I say on the verge of even more tears. The thought that I at least have Chris comforts me, speaking I should check if he responded or something . I quickly pull out my phone from my pocket hoping that he doesn't see me carrying my phone cause who knows what he'll do then. I read the message he has sent which says.

Hi, Kim I'm so glad you reached out to me so I don't know how I can help you but I'll try but I'll see and try to keep yourself safe. LOVE CHRIS.

Reading the message ,I feel disappointed that he isn't saying much but I feel grateful that I have someone I can reach out to and that could probably call the police or something and tell them something .Putting the phone away carefully I realize that he is watching me from the rear view mirror again and smirking. "You think that the little friend of yours will help you ,at this point I would give up if I was you because I can't lie to you Kim there's no way out of this one. " If I were you I would just make myself comfortable because we'll be reaching our destination in what's the time?" he pretends to look at what is supposed to be his watch. "Never mind you'll see when we get there, I don't want to spoil the surprise".

From then on he puts on some music and turns it on loud and starts singing really loudly making me feel really anxious .I don't know where I am going or what is going to happen to me the only thing I know is that I shouldn't have befriended Tyler that day when I found him at the party .

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