Chapter 56

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"well I think we should get on with it right now, I'm starting to get a little bored" he says as he fakes a yawn.


"I BEG YOU" I cry out .

"I'll..marrry you , if that's what I'll have to do".

"Kimberley I don't think you understand the fact that there is no putting up any bargains whatsoever, my mind has been made so there is nothing you can do about it now" he says leaning in closer to my ear.

At this point the only thing I can do is there

"Wesley, Houston, get In here", he commands as he steps back from me two men wearing masks come in and I realize that, he is the one from before. The one who kept on following me.

When I take a glance at Marcus I notice that he is staring back at me , he looks at me with eyes filled with sadness.

I can tell what he is saying exactly with his eyes "you betrayed me". I watch his tears fall to the ground as I anticipate what is happening.

"This is what will happen to your lover, are you looking at him?" Yeah take one last look at him because this is the last time you will ever get to see each other" he says as he forcefully holds Marcus's face.

"If it weren't for the fact that you are both chained up, I reckon this would be a romantic moment for you two, you'd say your goodbyes and all.

"Can't you just get on with it, you prick" Marcus flares.

"If I wasn't in these chains, I'd show you" he spits at him.

"And just because you said that like that , I am going to shift this up and we will get on it in 2 days. I'll be the one to show you" he says. His phone rings and he goes to the far corner of the room to answer it.

"Marcus I am so sorry" I say

"You could have told me "he reasons.

The men stand awkwardly in between us, with no choice but to listen to us talk to each other.


"It's okay" he responds.

"COULD YOU TWO QUIT CHATTERING, I AM ON THE PHONE" he demands from the corner and we stay quiet after that. Exchanging looks.

I take a good look at the two men standing in the room. They are clad in tight fitting suits like they are going for an important meeting but have got masks on, they Stand with a straight posture looking straight ahead.

I notice that the familiar one with doesn't have a tattoo on his wrist and I think it is quite strange. Cause I recall that day, he had the tattoo. Heads are raised up high and they are standing next to each other in a uniform manner.

"So, something has come up. And I must leave right now" he says.

"My father is coming around and we are doing some business, so I want both of you to behave, no shouting or screaming. Anything like that. If you do dare to test me there will be consequences, so for now I'll keep you love birds talk it out.

Cause clearly there is trouble in paradise' HE FINISHES. "Get out now" he orders the two men and they utter sorry .

He whistles on his way out , to add fire into the flame. Antagonizing us even more.

Once they are all gone we sit in silence until I initiate conversation.

"I'm so sorry about what happened to Darin.I wanted to tell, you about it but I just couldn't. You wouldn't look at me the same way, not ever. I'm so sorry". I finish.

"You could have told me, you know. I wouldn't have been mad. It is not your fault".

The only thing that makes me upset is that you hid it from me, the idea that my brother's death is your fault is not only absurd but it is also angering.

Has he gotten to you this much such that, you think that. That is all on him".

"So don't beat yourself up for things that are out of your control Kimberly" he tells me a smile on his face.

"Let's get on to something more light , talk about something happier" he offers.

"Right now we would be halfway across, we would be at a hotel or something , having the time of our lives". he says

"Yeah, what would we doing right now" I ask.

"I don't know maybe we would be pulling all -nighters going to the Zoo or something" you know stuff like that" he says.

"But I can't help but still feel bad".

"You don't need to feel bad, it's not your fault, if anything you are a victim here" he says. Can I get to know you better, you know let's talk. Keep ourselves preoccupied.

" I wouldn't know where to start, honestly but I'll brief you" I admit.

"Is it that much" he asks. "Not really but, I always get overwhelmed when asked to talk about

"I can go first, just as long as you promise not to pull a flank on me"

"How could ,I we have god knows how long anyways" I tell him.

"He stares at me for a while "What is it "

"Even in times like these you still manage to look beautiful" he confesses

"This is one of the last places where you could give a girl compliments, now what will I am blushing, I can't even do anything. My hands are tied up.

"Well you should learn to do so, cause we are getting out of here together, those will be a regular".

I'll compliment you everyday, all the time" he reaffirms.

" I meant what I said by the way Kimberly that I like you and it pains me to see in such a condition, even the fact that I can't do anything right now it makes me mad.

I think you deserve better than this. You should be out there navigating life, not here trying to stay sane in the hands of a mad man.

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