Chapter 42

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"What do you want" I ask as I peek my head out the door. As irritated as ever. " I need to do something can you hurry up" he says as he smirks at me. "Hasn't anyone taught you manners , you have to wait until I have done" I say and just as I am about to slam the door in his face , he holds it and he says "hurry up" in my face. I feel like I have had it up to here with him but I decide to clam myself down deciding that he is not worth my time. Walking up to the mirror I wash my face with cold water , using the towel nearby I wipe the water off. I begin to worry about tomorrow, what am I going to do. Where am I going to go from here. I take a deep breath and wipe the tear of my cheeks. I begin to hyperventilate and try to convincing myself that I am fine. After I am done, I walk out of the bathroom. As I pass through one of the rooms, I overhear Darin and his brother Marcus having a heated argument. I wait for a little as I listen to them. "Marcus don't do this, not this time. You always do this and this time , I don't want you to .I won't let you" I hear Darin says . "This is the problem with you Marcus you never have any regard for anyone but yourself, you are selfish".

"Even when mom was sick you never cared to ever be there for her did you". Darin adds as I hear his footsteps move closer to the door, I decide to rush to the living room. I act like I have been seated on the small sofa for longer than I have. When Darin reaches the living room he is carrying a bunch of blankets in his hands. "Here you go , you can use these" he says as he hands me the blankets. I thank him and he tells me to have a goodnight sleep , I thank him again and he disappears into the dim lights of the hallway.

I am getting ready to sleep on the couch, fluffing up the pillows and as I am about to enter, the makeshift bed. Marcus enters the living room and leans on the door frame of the room staring at me with a devilish look on his face. "And what are you doing here" I rudely ask. I don't like the fact that when we met earlier he attacked me like that, it was uncalled for and uncomfortable on all levels.

"What is it , are you scared that you must have liked a little bit of what happened earlier" he says widening his grin. I roll my eyes at this and act like I didn't hear him. "So now you are hiding behind rolling your eyes and ignoring me" He nears the couch and puts his hands on my shoulders , I immediately stop what I am doing. He comes behind me and holds me by the neck. He holds me in a pose similar to the one he had me in before. "Can you let go of me" I say trying to shimmy out of his grasp. "I know you want me Kimberly" . he says as he breaths on me whispering this in my ear.

"I want to let you into a secret too, I want you too" he finishes as he tightens his hold on me. I struggle in his hold but my efforts prove to be make no difference. "Do you want to know what's more".

"I can end your life right here, right now. If I wanted to". He tightens his hold once more and by then I am struggling to get air. Just then he lets go of me and leaves me panting for air. Once I look up I find that he is no where to be seen around. I vow to give him a piece of my mind tomorrow , I think about how I want to crush his smirk, how I'd love to see it disappear into thin air. As I get into the covers, my thoughts turn to nervous ones as I think back to Christian. And what he is doing right now, maybe he decided to give up looking for me but knowing him he probably hasn't stopped looking for me and I think of how I have to get out of this town as quick as I can.


I hear rummaging from the other room and immediately get scared, I get up all wide eyed and heart beating fast. III decide to get out of the blankets to go and investigate whatever is making the noise.

As I follow the noise it leads me to straight to the kitchen. Because the kitchen is pitch black I can barely see a thing. Flipping the switch I gasp at what I see, being surprised to see Marcus destroying everything in the kitchen. Everything has been turned upside down and I can barely recognize it.

I am about to ask him what he's doing when I notice that he doesn't stop at the sound of me entering the kitchen or anything. Rationalizing that he probably is sleep waking, I walk up to him up slightly touching him since I don't know what to do in this instance. I think of going to get his brother, as I run past the hall. I find the room and knock on the door , shouting and hoping that he opens the door. I try to open the door and when I do I find out that it is empty. The room is messy , which makes me believe that he left in a hurry. With nothing more to do I run back to the kitchen and I arrive just in time when I realize that he is about to open the drawer containing the steel ware. I slowly move towards him and take a hold of the knife he is carrying.

Authors Note: I didn't research anything about this, sorry if i offend anyone in any way.

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