Chapter 22

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"Uh, training for self defense?" you told her since she probably wouldn't believe you if you told her about Demon Slayers.

Shukufu just nodded, still puzzled, but eventually just shrugged it off as she had no interest in training and weaponry.

While Muichiro looked around, a nice idea popped into your mind.

We could go to a theme park and come back at night! you thought as you grew quite bored just walking around and shopping.

You instantly alerted Shukufu of your idea.

"Hey, Shukufu! We should go to a theme park to pass time and come back at night to check out the lit city!" yelled yourself in a friendly tone.

Her head sprung up at that idea.

"Yes! I love theme parks!!!" she squealed back excitedly.

"Are we bringing your boyfriend?" she continued, smiling happily.

You nodded with pride, "Duh!"

Muichiro returned carefully holding a steel sword of light weight.

"This one's light, Y/N. It's great for you." he remarked in a kindhearted voice.

He really did care about you and was always extremely soft on you, and only you even during training.

He handed it to you and to your surprise, it was as light as a phone.

"It is, Mui! This is perfect! Too bad it's not a nichi—" you stated, cutting yourself off as Shukufu was still there.

He could read your facial expression.

He leaned in closer to your ear and whispered, "I'll force a swordsmith to make a sword this light for you."

You swayed your hands as he said that.

"Oh, no... you don't have to force them, my usual sword is fine." you whispered back, not wanting to overwork the swordsmiths.

He completely ignored you and went to pay for it.

You really didn't have a big problem with that as it showed his love for you.

When he came back, you reminded yourself about the theme park and immediately announced, "Mui, can we go to a theme park while we wait for nightfall to occur?"

He broke a smile and nodded, leaning in to give you a kiss on the cheek.

You were joyous and flustered at this as you held is hand while both of you walked out.

Shukufu happily followed, walking next to you trying to avoid making physical contact to prevent upsetting Muichiro.

When you got to the exit of Tokyo, you realized that Muichiro had traveled on foot to get here which made you worry about Shukufu.

You quietly asked her, "Um, how are you going to get there?"

She chuckled and replied, "I'll take a moped I got for my birthday! Just tell me which theme park it is and I'll catch up with you two!"

You nodded and you laid your eyes on her moped.

It was black and pink that looked more like a motorcycle than a moped.

You gave her the theme park name and address as Muichiro picked you up, getting ready to go.

Shukufu was unaware on how you were going to get there, so she quickly asked, "How are you going to get there?"

Before you could respond, Muichiro mentioned in a fast manner, "I'm fast."

He dashed at the start, which made him look like he teleported.

Shukufu was stunned.

Huh? she thought as she blinked multiple times.

Muichiro's speed was immeasurable and his stamina seemed infinite as it always did.

While running, he ran his hand through your hair constantly to comfort you during the journey.

After about 20 minutes, both of you arrived.

Muichiro was never out of breath or something.

As both of you waited for Shukufu's arrival, he brought his head closer to yours and rested his lips on his.

His eyes closed as you got more into the moment.

After a sweet 20 seconds into it, both of you pulled away, still connected by a string of saliva.

"I love you so much." he told you in a calming voice.

You gripped his hand.

"So do I." you replied with slightly blush and a large smile.

About 10 minutes later, Shukufu arrived and slowly parked her moped.

She jumped off of it, sprinting towards you.

"Y/N~! Hey!" she yelled happily.

All of you entered the theme park while Muichiro paid for the tickets and purchased a cute bear they sold at the front.

He walked back with the tickets and the bear in hand.

He gave you the bear and reminded you how much he loved you.

As all of you entered, you spotted a ride that looked pretty fun.

It was a small roller coaster recommended for ages 4-12.

"What are ya, a baby?" Shukufu teased you as she noticed the age recommendation.

You glared at her angrily, and so did Muichiro.

"Jeez, I'm sorry! Don't give me that look!" she commented in a panicky voice.

"You better be." Muichiro replied with a vein popping out of his forehead.

He never wanted you to feel bad about yourself and despised anyone who made fun of you, but once he realized that Shukufu was joking, he immediately forgave her.

Without Anyone Else - Muichiro x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now