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Bella-u know im not a strict parent


Bella-just be happy ok?

Y-i will

C-im not

Tori-i am!


Bella-uh oh why sweetie

Y-u know she hates parties and she also has to help and be the dancers and some of them get on her since she's new

Tori-yea they are super hard on her

C-ughhh thank u tori

Tori-no problem!*smiles*

T-i hope it wont be all bad

Charli gets a message and read it then groan loudly

Bella-what's the matter?

C-my dad will be gone for a week work related ofc and if he goes he could get a promotion

T-*smiles*thats nice sweetie

I look at my mom as charli mentions her dad and I could've sworn she was blushing and the way she looked is the way i look at bryce

Its also kinda weird how they both leaving for a week...could they be-no they wouldn't and my mom doesn't even do things like that at all because it skipped her and Tom and heidi are such a great couple so maybe its just a coincidence

-At Home-

We get home and me and the girls goes to my room

Tori and Dezi rarely stay over because they had to get an uber home and they don't have rides because there parents can be buttholes some times so they come over when i have the car or when my mom drops us off

Charli on the other hand lives next door to me so she can stay over anytime but sometimes i wish her sister could come over

When we first get to my room i ask who wanna do a tiktok with me and only Tori does while Dezi and charli just plop on my bed and lay down getting comfortable

I changed my clothes before i got to do the videos

When its over and we post it and get on my bed

For a while we are in a comfortable silence chilling on the phone and yet again i start just recording myself

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