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-Y/n Pov-

Charli ran back upstairs crying and Anna ran up there

I was gonna follow until dixie grabbed my arm stopping

D-how could u!!

Y-dix im sorry charli said u weren't gonna be here till this morning

D-and what time do u think it is?!...i said that at 10 during ur party


D-u are really a fucking slut huh?

Ren, and Avery showed up asking what was going on

D-she just kissed Anna after i told her my bestfriends was off limits

Dezz-and u did that to charli

I turned around glaring at her but just ignored her going back to dixie

Y-dix i am sorry I didn't mean to i was just-

D-JUST WHAT?!!...i said my friends were off limits and not only that u fucking hurt charli?!!

Dezz-she doesn't care



-Charli Pov-

I was getting my things because i was not gonna stay here with her

An-charli listen to me pls!

I ignored and got all my things putting them in my bag

She comes over to me and grabs my arm and i slap her, standing up now

C-ur such a fucking bitch...I can't fucking stand u and i want u to leave and get the hell out my face

An-believe me or not ur Bestfriend kissed me I didn't do anything i was trying to see u I wouldn't to that to u or dixie...u have a boyfriend remember so i should be pissed!!...ur taken!!not me!...I wanted u, i want to be with u, and i still do baby. What me and y/n did was bad and im pretty sure she didn't mean it but baby pls im sorry


An-baby i have to deal with the fact u are letting a boy fuck and kiss u while im just what ur side?!...and u got a nerve to be mad?!...u know what I don't need to explain anything to u because im fucking single and so is y/n...u wanna hurt me i can hurt u to

C-anna that's not fair-

An-fuck u!!

C-anna wait-

She tries to walk out and i grab her but she yanks away and leaves anyway

C-u know what fuck u!!

I get my things and walk downstairs and i see her leave and dixie and everyone arguing

-Y/n pov-

Av-Dezz just stay out of it ur not in it-

Dezz-Avery shut the fuck! Y/n. U don't care about charli or anyone unless its about u or u get ur nut off

Y-why are u saying this to me?-

Tori-its not true dezz-

Y-I didn't do it on purpose u know how i am I wouldn't hurt charli like that on purpose-

C-dix lets go home

D-bet lets go and Anna can fucking walk home

Ren-Dixie calm down lets just go-

Y-u know what dixie and charli yall can be that way because im fucking single and so is Anna...u are my bsf and u know how i am it was a reflex and im sorry ik u are hurt but go!!idc

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